
来源 :国外医学(卫生学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keaiyuyu66
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已知受工业排放污水污染的海水,无论对动物,还是对植物都是有害的。本研究的目的在于把污染的海水注入受试鸡蛋后观察其对鸡呸生长和活组织的影响。本研究选择纯种白色来杭(Leghorns)鸡蛋重约50 g,用电孵育设施进行孵育。在孵育之前把鸡蛋洗干净。然后,将鸡蛋破一小孔。通过此小孔把污染的海水注入到蛋清部分。剂量为1 ml/鸡蛋。对照给予未被污染的海水。于孵育后第5天,检出未孵育的和已经死亡的鸡蛋。并分别于孵育后第13天,第15天和第17天,每次取出5只鸡蛋,并取出鸡蛋的内容物,测量胎体体重,胎肝和肺重量,以及尿膜囊的分泌液量和 pH 值。同时对胎体进行组织学检查。依据被测海水中的杂质含量不同,而分为两种样品。样品1的 pH=6.2,悬浮液为17.3mg/L,酚及其衍生物为62.8 mg/L,Cr、Pb和 Hg 总量为0.17mg/L,多环芳烃<0.01 mg/L。样品2的 pH=6.3,悬浮液为20.1 mg/L,酚及其衍生物为2.6mg/L,Cr、Pb 和 Hg 总量为0.14 mg/L,多环芳烃<0.01 mg/L。结果表明,样品1和样品2均能明显抑制 It is known that seawater contaminated by industrial discharges of sewage is harmful both to animals and to plants. The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of contaminated seawater on the growth and viability of chicken gizzards after they were injected into the eggs tested. In our study, pure white Leghorns eggs were weighed to about 50 g and incubated in an electric incubator. Wash the eggs before incubation. Then, break the egg a small hole. Through this hole contaminated seawater into the egg white part. The dose is 1 ml / egg. Control was given uncontaminated seawater. On the fifth day after incubation, both unincorporated and dead eggs were detected. And 5 eggs were taken at a time on the 13th, 15th and 17th day after the incubation respectively, and the contents of the eggs were taken out to measure the weight of the fetal body, fetal liver and lung weight, and the secretion volume of the urinary sac And pH. At the same time the carcass histological examination. According to the measured content of seawater impurities, and divided into two samples. Sample 1 had a pH of 6.2, a suspension of 17.3 mg / L, phenol and its derivatives 62.8 mg / L, total Cr, Pb and Hg 0.17 mg / L and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons <0.01 mg / L. Sample 2 had pH = 6.3, suspension 20.1 mg / L, phenol and its derivatives 2.6 mg / L, total Cr, Pb and Hg 0.14 mg / L and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons <0.01 mg / L. The results show that both Sample 1 and Sample 2 can be significantly inhibited
我国的东北地区生长着一种多年生宿 根草花——长白鸢尾,主要分布在黑龙江、 吉林,辽宁也有少量分布。在黑龙江省松花 江地区,每年5月中旬在青翠碧绿的剑叶丛 中,开出淡黄色
脐橙 裂果因品 种、结果 部位 、果 实性 状 而异 ,与 果实 膨大 期 间的 水分 胁 迫有 关。 据此 ,提出了相 应的预 防技术。 Orange fruit cracking due to variety, the re