Classical Interpretations of Relativistic Phenomena

来源 :现代物理(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsh01015
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Electric charges, electric & magnetic fields and electromagnetic energy possess momentum and energy which we could experience with our sense organs. Therefore, all these are real physical entities (objects). All physical objects are sub- ject to gravi
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1病例资料女,12岁.因转移性右下腹痛5小时入院.查体:体温37.2℃,脉搏100/min,血压90/60 mmHg.腹肌紧张,压痛、反跳痛(+).血白细胞12×109/L,中性粒细胞0.81,淋巴细胞0.19
The present work breaks the endless impasse of the current theories with space and gravitation, proposing a completely new conception in which the quantum space
A new approach to solving two of the cosmological constant problems (CCPs) is proposed by introducing the Abbott-Deser (AD) method for defining Killing charges
For a two-dimensional complex vector space, the spin matrices can be calculated directly from the angular momentum commutator definition. The 3 Pauli matrices a