
来源 :人生十六七 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjsubin
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“饭疏食饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣,不义而富且贵。于我如浮云。”曾子曰。常说,人不为己,天诛地灭,生活中有太多的诱惑,人的心如天底洞一般,塞不满,这是人的通病。有人说心有多大,世界就有多大。这用褒义讲就是奋进,而从另一方面来说,这是对自己现实生活的不满,对于未来的向往,但如果过了这个度,便成了贪婪。人之所以悲伤,是因为我们留不住岁月,更无法面对的是有一天老去,那不如知足于现在,而不去感慨时光易老。 “Rice sparse food and water, brackets and pillow, music is also one of them, unjust and rich, and expensive in my clouds.” Zeng said. Often said, people do not be the same as themselves, heaven and earth to kill, there are too many temptations in life, such as the bottom of the human heart in general, unhappy, this is a common problem. Some people say how big the heart is, how big the world is. This complimenting means to forge ahead. On the other hand, this is a dissatisfaction with our real life and a yearning for the future. However, if this degree has passed, it becomes greedy. The reason why people are sad is because we can not retain the years, but also can not face the day when we grow old, it is better to be content with the present instead of feeling old and easy time.
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作者自 1992年 3月~ 1995年 8月采用手法加钢针撬拨复位 ,经皮克氏针内固定治疗移位成角 30度以上桡骨颈骨折 32例 ,有效地防止了前臂旋转及肘关节屈伸功能障碍等并发症 ,现报