Fresh Amniotic Membrane Transplantation Combined Lamellar Keratoplasty for Patients with Recurrent M

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Purpose: To investigate the possibility of amniotic membrane as an immunological insulating band to reduce the recurrent frequency of Mooren’s ulcer.Methods: Twelve cases(12 eyes) with recurrent Mooren’s Ulcer were observed. Among them, 4 cases(4 eyes)were male and 8 cases(8 eyes)female, ranging in age between 26 and 51 years [mean (41 ±3) years]. Three eyes recurred once, 5 eyes twice, and 4 eyes three before. Eleven of 12 cases (11/12 eyes) with frequently recurrent Mooren’s ulcer underwent lamellar keratoplasty combined amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) . One patient who had entire corneal ulceration accepted AMT alone. Results: Follow-up time is 12 to 29 months, [mean (23 ±6)months]. Before AMT, the recurrent frequency of Mooren’s Ulcer of all cases after corneal surgery was 1-7 months [ mean (3 ± 2) months ]. Nine of 12 eyes with lamellar keratoplasty combined AMT did not recur within the observation period; 2 eyes recurred 11 months after the surgery. Three months postoperatively, neovasc Purpose: To investigate the possibility of amniotic membrane as an immunological insulating band to reduce the recurrent frequency of Mooren’s ulcer. Methods: Twelve cases (12 eyes) with recurrent Mooren’s Ulcer were observed. Among them, 4 cases (4 eyes) were male and Eleven of 12 cases (11/12 eyes) female, ranging between age between 26 and 51 years [mean (41 ± 3) years]. Three eyes recurred once, 5 eyes twice, and 4 eyes three before. ) with frequently recurrent Mooren’s ulcer underwent lamellar keratoplasty combined amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT). One patient who had entire corneal ulceration accepted AMT alone. Results: Follow-up time is 12 to 29 months, [mean (23 ± 6) months]. Before AMT, the recurrent frequency of Mooren’s Ulcer of all cases after corneal surgery was 1-7 months [mean (3 ± 2) months]. Nine of 12 eyes with lamellar keratoplasty combined AMT did not recur within the observation period; 2 eyes recurred 11 months after the surgery. Three months postop eratively, neovasc
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