Pirate decoder for the broadcast encryption schemes from Crypto 2005

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h563268898
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In Crypto’05, Boneh et al. presented two broadcast encryption schemes. Their work has exciting achievements: the header (also called ciphertexts) and the private keys are of constant size. In their paper, they give an open question to construct a traitor tracing algorithm for their broadcast encryption schemes, and combine the two systems to obtain an efficient trace-and-revoke system. In this paper, we give a negative answer to their open question. More precisely, we show that three or more insider users are able to collude to forge a valid private key for pirate decoding against their schemes. Moreover, we prove that there exists no traitor tracing algorithm to identify the colluders. Our pirate decoding can also similarly be applied to Lee et al.’s broadcast encryption schemes in ISPEC’06. In Crypto’05, Boneh et al. Presented two broadcast encryption schemes. Their work has exciting achievements: the header (also called ciphertexts) and the private keys are of constant size. In their paper, they give an open question to construct a traitor tracing algorithm for their broadcast encryption schemes, and combine the two systems to obtain an efficient trace-and-revoke system. In this paper, we give a negative answer to their open question. More precisely, we show that three or more insider users are able to collude to forge a valid private key for pirate decoding against their schemes. Moreover, we prove that there exists no traitor tracing algorithm to identify the colluders. Our pirate decoding can also similarly be applied to Lee et al.’s broadcast encryption schemes in ISPEC’06.
近年来,鞍钢半连轧厂在现有设备条件下,产量以每年平均6.5%的增长率递增,1986年产量达到234万 t,利润成倍增长,经济效益显著,其主要原因是提高热装率和增大板坯重量。要想进
西安锻压机床厂于1984年9月试制成功一座3t 锻造余热炉。该炉由煤气发生炉、锻件加热炉和蒸汽锅炉几部分组合而成,是锻造车间用来加热锻件和供给蒸汽动力的能源综合利用设备
本文阐明了国际上定量工作的新进展,包括:面波震级 M_S逐渐趋于统一,地震矩张量和地震矩量值的测定有很大进展,以及地震定标律的研究正在逐步深入等;还扼要地介绍了我国国内