
来源 :中国农村研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plumblossommeihua
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基于家庭贫困的内在因素特别是内在的需求,我们把中国农村贫困的贫困状况分为依次推进的四个方面:基于生存资源缺乏的生存性贫困,基于生产资料不足的生产性贫困,基于脱贫能力不足的发展性贫困,基于脱贫条件供给不足的外部性贫困。与之相对应,新世纪以来中国惠农政策也可以分为四类:第一类是保障性的惠农政策,如农村最低生活保障与新型农村合作医疗;第二类是生产性的惠农政策,主要包括农村税费改革,农业直接补贴,农民专业合作组织和农村微型金融服务;第三类是发展性的惠农政策,主要是指农村义务教育;第四类是外部性的惠农政策,特指农村基础设施建设。在实地调研和数据分析的基础上,研究结论认为,新世纪以来中国惠农政策对于改善贫困人口状况总体上产生了积极的推动作用,但各项政策的减贫效果各异:从政策绩效的层面看,各项政策都没有实现绩效的最大化,普遍存在减贫效应不足的问题。若要充分发挥惠农政策的减贫效应,特别是直接性的减贫效应的话,应该注重第一类政策;而要充分发挥惠农政策间接减贫效应,并促进农村经济社会综合发展的话,应该注意第二类政策。基于田野调查和经验研究,我们认为,面向贫困人口的惠农政策调整应有一个次序和侧重点的问题,其思路应为:强化保障性扶贫政策,主攻发展性、外部性扶贫政策,兼顾生产性扶贫政策。 Based on the internal factors of family poverty, especially the intrinsic demand, we divide the poverty of rural poverty into four aspects that are promoted one after another: survivable poverty based on the lack of living resources, productive poverty based on insufficient means of production, Inadequate developmental poverty, external poverty based on inadequate supply of poverty alleviation. Correspondingly, since the beginning of the new century, China’s preferential agricultural policies have also been divided into four categories: the first is the affordable preferential agricultural policies such as the minimum living allowance in rural areas and the new rural cooperative medical care; the second is the productive farmers The policies include rural tax reform, direct subsidies for agriculture, farmer specialized cooperative organizations and rural micro-financial services. The third category is the development-oriented preferential agricultural policies that mainly refer to rural compulsory education. The fourth category is the beneficiary of externalities Policy, especially rural infrastructure construction. Based on field research and data analysis, the conclusion of the study shows that since the beginning of the new century, China’s preferential agricultural policies have played a positive role in promoting the improvement of the poor population, but the effects of various policies on poverty reduction vary from the policy performance At the level of view, all policies have not realized the maximization of performance, and the problem of insufficient poverty reduction effect has prevailed. If we want to give full play to the poverty alleviation effect of benefiting agriculture policies, especially the direct effects of reducing poverty, we should pay attention to the first kind of policies. If we want to give full play to the indirect poverty alleviation effect of benefiting agricultural policies and promote the comprehensive economic and social development in rural areas, The second type of policy should be noted. Based on field surveys and empirical studies, we think there should be an orderly and emphatic point adjustment for the adjustment of benefiting-farmers policies aimed at the poor. The idea should be to strengthen the policy of pro-poor poverty alleviation, focus on the development-oriented and extrinsic pro-poor policies, and give consideration to the production Sexual poverty alleviation policy.