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在我的百宝箱里,有一本被磨得纸边发毛的书信集——家书集,封面上写着“尘封的记忆”。这些家书已成为历史,翻开它,一件件往事历历在目。1988年12月,我入伍走进黑龙江省嫩江基地新兵连,不久后盼来了第一封家书,那是父亲的来信。“儿啊,听你说那里零下35度,我难以想象你是怎么过的,穿暖和点。和战友搞好关系,多干活少说话,给你们班长留下个好印象。”当时看着这信,我流泪了。我的老家在河北农村,父亲的一条腿被牛顶断了,成了终身残疾。 In my treasure chest, there was a letter-book collection of books that had been rubbed with a piece of paper, and the cover read “dusty memories.” These books have become history, open it, one thing vividly in memory. In December 1988, I enrolled in the recruits company in Nenjiang Base in Heilongjiang Province. I soon came to see the first letter from my father’s letter. “Children, I heard you say there 35 degrees below zero, I can not imagine how you are before, wear warmth and good relations with his comrades, more work and less talk, to your class leader left a good impression.” "At that time Looked at this letter, I shed tears. My hometown is in rural Hebei, where one of my father’s legs was cut off by a cow and has become a disabled person for life.
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烈士忠魂聚塔亭,抗倭保国做先锋。同仇敌忾杀日寇,舍生忘死建大功。求解放,念民生,忠勇殉国碧血凝。长存浩气传千古,英雄流芳万世铭。 Martyrs heart of the tower, anti-Ja
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