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指示:太原市、大同市、长治市、阳泉市、各专署、工农速成中学接中央人民政府高等教育部(53)速行刘字第一○九号及中央人民政府教育部(53)中行董字第二五八号联合指示:关于一九五三年工农速成中学招生问题,鉴于已往各级教育行政机关对工农速成中学的性质、方针、任务宣传不够,致使有些厂矿、机关不愿抽调足够数量并且合乎条件的产业工人和工农干部投考,而将政治、文化、健康等条件很差的保送投考,加之,学校也未能严格掌握录取新生的条件,把有病的、工作年限不够的、粗通文字的干部吸收入学。这样,就降低了工农速成中学学生的质量,影响了国家培养工农干部的计划。这种情况今年必须加以纠正。为切实贯彻必须办好工农速成中学的方针,并顺利地完成今年的招生计划,提高新生质量,特根据中央指示精神及各项规定,对今年工农 Directions: Taiyuan, Datong, Changzhi, Yangquan, all agencies, workers and peasants Suocheng Middle School connected to the Central People’s Government Ministry of Higher Education (53) Liu Xiaoyi No. 109 and the Central People’s Government Ministry of Education (53) Word No. 258 Joint Instructions: Regarding the enrollment of workers and peasants in 1959 into junior high schools, in view of the fact that education administrations at all levels have not adequately publicized the nature, guidelines and tasks of workers and peasants in accelerated middle schools, some factories and mines and agencies are reluctant to allocate enough Quantity and qualifications of industrial workers and workers and peasants and cadres to vote for examinations, but the political, cultural, health and other conditions are not guaranteed to vote in addition, the school also failed to strictly control the conditions for the admission of freshmen, the sick, the working life is not enough, Coarse-text cadres absorbed into school. In this way, the quality of middle school-aged students in workers and peasants is reduced, affecting the plan of the country to train workers and peasants and cadres. This situation must be corrected this year. In order to effectively implement the policy of running secondary schools for workers and peasants into quick success, and successfully complete this year’s enrollment plan and improve the quality of freshmen, according to the spirit of the directives of the Central Government and various provisions,
Alex Pan儿时的梦想是做一名出色的导演,现在他的工作间接实现了这个梦想——婚礼的导演。一名专业的婚礼摄影师,必须懂得沟通、引导、创意、平衡。 Alex Pan childhood dre