Modelling and simulation of fixtures during grinding

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:choasy
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The complex workpiece-fixture behaviour during machining is an essential component of the fixture development process.In detail,the forces acting on fixture components have to be analysed.A method for the prediction of the reaction forces due to process and clamping loads is presented in this article.At the beginning,detailed information about the workpiece-fixture behaviour during the process is determined by a complex finite element model.Secondly,the reduction of the number of elements leads to a smaller model with less computation time,validated and used for the variation of process parameters.Finally,an analytical description is developed based on the combination of both results.With the help of the empiric equation it is possible to predict the reaction forces and the dependency on several process parameters.This method has been validated by modelling shape grinding of a nozzle guide vane. The complex workpiece-fixture behavior during machining is an essential component of the fixture development process. Detail, the forces acting on fixture components have to be analyzed. A method for the prediction of the reaction forces due to process and clamping loads is presented in this article. At the beginning, detailed information about the workpiece-fixture behavior during the process is determined by a complex finite element model. Secondarily, the reduction of the number of elements leads to a smaller model with less computation time, validated and used for the variation of process parameters. Finally, an analytical description is developed based on the combination of both results. With the help of the empiric equation it is possible to predict the reaction forces and the dependency on several process parameters. This method has been validated by modeling shape grinding of a nozzle guide vane.
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