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“淡出”这个词从来没有象2004年这样猛烈而持续地冲击着中国的房地产界。支撑“淡出”成为今年房地产界关键词的主要是几个重量级人物的大动作。9月22日,万科集团最高管理层董事长王石率董事总经理郁亮、副总经理丁长峰和张纪文等出席了万科集团在京举行的万科20周年新闻发布会。在会上,王石正式宣布,万科已经完成了第一代管理层向第二代管理层交班的过程,万科成立的二十周年将是管理层更新换代的转折点,以郁亮为核心的第二代管理层将全面替代以王石为核心的第一代管理层。10月、11月,顺驰领军人孙宏斌将在风口浪尖上“隐退”淡出的消息开始充斥大小媒体。而不久之前的博鏊论坛上,孙宏斌还放出豪言要做中国地产的老大。作为顺驰集团的领军人,在外界看来孙宏斌几乎代表了顺驰的一切。但短短几个月后,孙宏斌辞去了顺弛所有的职务,没有了任何头衔,只担任顺驰集团的大股东,这是没法淡去的。12月,北京首都创业集团总经理、首创置业董事长刘晓光表示,他将逐渐淡出地产圈,把更多精力放在首创置业的整体战略建设和基建、水务、燃气等项目上。这意味着由刘晓光一手打造并在2004年年初提出的首创集团“五三二”战略也将迎来新的机会。 The word “fade out” never hit China’s real estate sector violently and continuously as it did in 2004. Support “fade out ” has become the key word of real estate industry this year, the main action of several heavyweights. On September 22, Wang Shi, the managing director of Vanke Group, Wang Yu, managing director Yu Liang, deputy general manager Ding Changfeng and Zhang Jiwen attended the press conference for the 20th anniversary of Vanke in Beijing. At the meeting, Wang Shi officially announced that Vanke has completed the first generation of management to the second generation management shift process, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Vanke will be the turning point in the management of replacement, with Yu Liang as the core of the second On behalf of the management will be a comprehensive alternative to Wang Shi as the core of the first generation of management. In October and November, Sun Hongbin, the leader of Sunco, will be full of media at the cusp of “retreat”. Not long ago before the forum, Sun Hongbin also release the rhetoric to be the boss of China’s real estate. As a leader of Sunco Group, Sun Hongbin appears in the outside world almost all of Sunco. However, only a few months later, Sun Hongbin resigned Shun Chi all positions, without any title, only as a major shareholder of Sunco Group, which can not fade. In December, Liu Xiaoguang, general manager of Beijing Capital Venture Capital Group and Capital Land’s chairman, said he would gradually fade out of the property circle and focus more on the overall strategic development of Capital Land, infrastructure, water and gas projects. This means that the first group “532” strategy to be built by Liu Xiaoguang and put forward in early 2004 will also usher in new opportunities.