驰誉流芳 凝香百年——记青岛啤酒股份有限公司

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在历史年轮逐渐攀升的背后,往往刻画着巨大的辛酸。原本是殖民者成全自己消费并谋取利润的举措,被勤劳聪慧的中国人—真正当家作主的中国人接手后,经过一番殚精竭虑、锐意进取、锲而不舍的不懈奋斗,终于使一粒来自异域的种子,茁壮成长为一棵堪与世界顶尖同行比肩的参天大树。“海到尽头天作岸,心登绝顶我为峰。”青岛啤酒104年的历史浓缩了中国啤酒工业的发展史,折射出一个企业、一个城市奋进不息的精神和追求尊严的历史。百年青啤,世纪经典,她酿造了历史,也酿造了文化,更酿造了中华民族的自豪与自尊。 Behind the gradual rise in the history of the rings, often depict a great bitterness. Originally a measure by which the colonialists made up their own consumption and made profits, the hardworking and intelligent Chinese, the truly masters of the Chinese people, took a painstaking, determined and enterprising struggle with unremitting efforts to finally make one from an exotic Seeds, thrive for a towering towering shoulders with the world’s top peer towering trees. “The 104-year history of Tsingtao Brewery has condensed the history of the development of China’s beer industry, reflecting the history of an enterprise, a city going forward and pursuing dignity.” . A hundred years of Tsingtao Beer, a classic of the century, she brewed the history, but also brewed a culture, but also brewed the pride and self-esteem of the Chinese nation.
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