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为实现复杂环境下小型农业机械田间作业时的路径跟踪控制,提出了基于免疫模糊PID(比例-积分-微分)的智能路径跟踪控制方法.首先,路径跟踪控制被分解为自动直线导航和自动转向控制任务,并分别构建了能够实现自动导航的模糊控制器和基于免疫模糊PID控制的自动转向方法.该设计在无人驾驶高速插秧机硬件系统基础上,开发了基于双激光源定位技术、电子罗盘和角度传感器的自动导航控制系统.其次,根据自动导航控制系统构造和工作原理,提出了直线和曲线路径跟踪的方法.最后,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真平台和插秧机的运动学模型对所设计的路径跟踪控制原理和模糊控制器进行了有效性验证,同时完成了包括直线和曲线的路径跟踪试验.当插秧机以1 m/s的速度进行直线跟踪时,最大跟踪偏差只有4 cm,平均跟踪偏差为0.84 cm;当以同样的速度做曲线跟踪时,曲线路径跟踪时的最大偏差为0.6 m,平均跟踪偏差控制在12 cm以内.仿真和试验结果表明,该套控制系统能够有效地控制无人驾驶高速插秧机按预定路径行走. In order to realize the path tracking control of small agricultural machinery in the field under complex environment, an intelligent path tracking control method based on immune fuzzy PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) is proposed.First, the path-following control is decomposed into automatic linear navigation and automatic steering Control tasks and construct the fuzzy controller which can realize automatic navigation and the automatic steering method based on immune fuzzy PID control respectively.On the basis of the hardware system of the unmanned high speed rice transplanter, Compass and angle sensor automatic navigation control system.Secondly, according to the automatic navigation control system structure and working principle, put forward the method of straight line and curve path tracking.Finally, the use of Matlab / Simulink simulation platform and the transplanter kinematics model of the design The path tracking control principle and the fuzzy controller were validated and the path tracking experiment including the straight line and the curve was completed.When the rice transplanter used the linear tracking at 1 m / s, the maximum tracking deviation was only 4 cm, the average The tracking deviation is 0.84 cm; when the curve is traced at the same speed, the path of the curve is followed The maximum deviation is 0.6 m and the average tracking deviation is less than 12 cm.The simulation and experimental results show that this control system can effectively control the UAV to travel along the planned path.
目的研究高度近视眼黄斑部不同区域的神经上皮层厚度的变化,并分析其与屈光度之间的相关性.方法选取高度近视眼患者78例,按屈光度不同分为A(-6.0~-9.0 D)、B(-9.1~-15.0 D)、C(
为了填补中国电动乘用车高压线束领域的研究空白,消除了中国电动乘用车所需的高压线束基本上是直接购买国外产品的情况, 高压大电流电动乘用车高压线独立光束研发。根据在电