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颌骨软骨肉瘤在颌骨恶性肿瘤中比较少见,本院收治1例报告如下。患者 女,27岁。右下颌牙龈肿物于1992年7月7日入院。病初右下颌疼痛,夜间加剧,无损坏牙。1月后自觉颊侧牙龈出现黄豆大肿物。门诊检查呈蓝色,囊性感,拟诊粘液囊肿,因临产未复诊。产后近1个月肿物明显增大。追问病史,1年前拔除残根时,舌侧骨质增生,门诊去除,病理报告:骨疣。专科检查:右下颌明显膨隆,唇颊侧,舌侧,上界已超出牙的切或(牙合)面,表面充血有咬痕。肿物8×7×6cm,质硬,不活动与皮肤及下颌骨粘连。X线片为骨质密度增高区,活检在纤维间质间可见软骨结构,软骨细胞大小不一,核染色深,有异形核及骨化现象,确诊为软骨肉瘤。 The chondrosarcoma of the jaw is rare in malignant tumors of the jaw. One case reported in this hospital was reported below. Patient Female, 27 years old. The right chin gum mass was admitted on July 7, 1992. At the beginning of the disease, the right lower jaw was painful and increased at night without damage to the teeth. After 1 month, a large soy mass appeared on the buccal gums. The outpatient examination was blue and the capsule was sexy. The patient was supposed to have a mucinous cyst. The patient did not return to the clinic for labor. Tumors increased significantly in the first 1 month after delivery. Inquiring about the history of the disease, when removing the residual roots 1 year ago, the lingual bone hyperplasia was removed and the clinic was removed. Pathology report: bone callus. Specialist examination: the right mandible is obviously bulging, the lip and buccal side, the lingual side, the upper boundary is beyond the cut or occlusal surface of the teeth, and the surface is congested with bite marks. The mass was 8 x 7 x 6 cm, hard and inactive and adhered to the skin and mandible. The X-ray film is an area with increased bone density. Biopsy shows cartilage structure between the fibrous stroma, different sizes of cartilage cells, deep nuclear staining, abnormal nuclear and ossification, and diagnosis of chondrosarcoma.
1月18日,中共中央总书记国家主席江泽民在首都市场调查研究时指出:老百姓开门7件,柴米 On January 18, President Jiang Zemin, the general secretary of the CPC Central Com
心脏最常见的肿瘤是粘液瘤,原发于心脏血管源性肿瘤非常罕见。现将我院收治的2例报道如下。 例1 女,50岁。近4~5年劳累后心悸、气短,体检发现右心房肿物约1月。手术见右心房