Modeling large reversible electric-field-induced strain in ferroelectric materials using 90° orienta

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shevafans
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Reversible large electric-field-induced strain caused by reversible orientation switchings in BaTiO3 is modeled using the Landau’s theory of phase transition. A triple well free energy function is constructed. Each of its minima is associated with one of the polarization orientations involved. Nonlinear constitu- tive laws accounting for reversible orientation switchings and electrostriction effects are obtained by using thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Hysteretic dynamics of one-dimensional structures is described by coupled nonlinear differential equations. Double hysteretic loops in the electric and me- chanic fields are both successfully modeled. Giant reversible electrostriction is modeled as a conse-quence of reversible orientation switchings via electro-mechanical couplings. Comparisons with ex-perimental results reported in literatures are presented. Reversible large electric-field-induced strain caused by reversible orientation switchings in BaTiO3 is modeled using the Landau’s theory of phase transition. A triple well free energy function is constructed. Each of its minima is associated with one of the polarization orientations involved. - tive laws accounting for reversible orientation switchings and electrostriction effects are obtained by using thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Hysteretic dynamics of one-dimensional structures is described by coupled nonlinear differential equations. Double hysteretic loops in the electric and me- chanic fields are both successfully modeled. Giant reversible electrostriction is modeled as a conse-quence of reversible orientation switchings via electro-mechanical couplings. Comparisons with ex-perimental results reported in literatures are presented.
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