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纵观中学物理教学,相当多的教师“导”而不得法,使学生主体作用的发挥流于形式,极大地制约了教学质量的提高。因此,要使学生由学会到会学,真正掌握“点金术”和“自渔”的本领,教师的主导作用的正确发挥不可忽视。这主要因为教学目标、内容、方法、进程等,都主要是由教师决定;教师受党和国家的委托,“闻道”在先,受过专门的教育训练,教学目标、内容、方法等都已掌握;而学生尚未“闻道”,特别是中小学生正在发育成长时期,知识和经验都还缺乏,智力和体力都还不成熟,他们尚未能离开教师的指导,独立地完成学的任务;教师得法的导,可以说是使教学沿着正确的方向高效率地进行,并获得好的质量的保证。教师不仅是课堂教学的设计者,教学活动的领导者,而且还是教学过程的组织者,教学效果的检验者。所谓教师的主导作用就是教师引导、启迪,使学生“自奋其力,自致其知。”“导”不是代替,“导”就是要像优秀的导游一样,总是让游人自己去领略无限风光。“导”就要像导演一样,让演员自己去登台主演,并留有创造的空间。因此,在教学中,只有充分发挥教师的主导作用,学生的素质才能得以全面的提高。没有“导”,就没有真正的“学”;不着眼于学生的学会到会学,教师的“导”也 Throughout the middle school physics teaching, a considerable number of teachers “guide” and not law, so that the main role of the students play a mere formality, which greatly restricted the improvement of teaching quality. Therefore, in order for students to learn from their learning and truly master the skills of “golden calligraphy” and “self-fishing,” the correct play of teachers’ leading role can not be ignored. This is mainly because the teaching objectives, content, methods and processes are mainly decided by the teachers. The teachers are entrusted by the Party and the state. The “Wen-Wen” first has received specialized education and training, teaching objectives, contents and methods, etc. However, students are not yet aware of it. In particular, when primary and secondary school students are developing and growing up, their knowledge and experience are still scarce, their intelligence and physical strength are not yet mature, and they have not yet been able to complete the tasks of their studies independently of their guidance. It is arguable that teachers should be able to conduct their teaching in the right direction with high quality and with good quality assurance. Teachers are not only the designers of classroom teaching, the leader of teaching activities, but also the organizers of teaching process and the testers of teaching effects. The so-called teacher’s leading role is to guide teachers, enlightenment, so that students “from their own efforts, since their knowledge.” “Guide” is not a substitute, “guide” is to be like a good guide, always allow visitors to enjoy their own infinite Scenery. “Guide” should be like a director, let the actors themselves to the stage starring, and leave room for creativity. Therefore, in teaching, only by giving full play to the leading role of teachers, the quality of students can be fully improved. There is no “guide”, there is no real “learning”; do not focus on the students learn to learn, teachers, “guide” also
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