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成都气候温和,土壤肥沃,所产蔬菜种类繁多,而且质量甚好。随着国家工业化的发展,城市人口需要,蔬菜将不断增加。去春成都农林局与成都农业学校学生调查郊区蔬菜生长情况,认为蔬菜病虫害为影响蔬菜增产中最主要的因子。作者特将历年来采集的蔬菜害虫加以系统整理,以作防治之参考。今将已定名的标本写出计有昆虫纲7目33科86种,蜘蛛纲1目1科1种,总计8目34科87种,其中为害较重者计有23种(用*号表示)。此外尚有部份标本因书籍缺乏,一时尚不能订名,留待以后补志。采集过程中承四川大学农学院各同志与同学及成都农林局同志协助,又承植物检疫与植物保护科学考察工作组苏联专家贝——比恩 Chengdu has a mild climate, fertile soil, and a wide variety of vegetables, all with good quality. With the development of national industrialization, urban population needs, vegetables will continue to increase. Go Spring Chengdu Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry and Chengdu Agricultural School students survey the growth of suburban vegetables that vegetable pests and diseases as the main factor affecting the yield of vegetables. The author specially collected vegetable pests over the years to be systematically sorted out for prevention and treatment of reference. This will be the name of the specimen has been written to count Insecta 7 orders 33 families of 86 species, 1 species of arachnoid 1 species 1 species, a total of 8 orders and 34 families of 87 species, of which 23 were more serious victims (indicated by * ). In addition, there are still some specimens due to the lack of books, a fashion can not be named, leaving later make up. During the collection Cheng Sichuan University College of Agriculture, comrades and students and Chengdu Agriculture and Forestry Bureau comrades, but also the plant quarantine and plant protection scientific investigation working group Soviet experts Tony - Bean
蒋墅国税股三位同志的事迹是平凡的,然而一滴水可以反映太阳的光辉,他们正是从平凡中显示出对国税事业的无限忠诚,让人们看到国税干部忘我工作,积极进取的好镜头。 Jiang Sh
编辑同志:前不久,一位农民朋友去县农机销售部门购买农机具,销售人员提醒其有农机具购置补贴。然而,去主管部门一打听,被告知已超过时限,这位农民朋友后悔不迭。 Edit Comra
目的 :构建人胸腺素α1(Tα1)真核表达重组体 p BK- Tα1,并研究其转染人外周血淋巴细胞 (PBL)对后者免疫活性的影响。方法 :将已构建的 Tα1克隆重组体 p UC18- Tα1经 Eco