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一、自由贸易区的基本定义目前,国际上对自由贸易区虽然还未形成一套完整的权威性定义,但在某些方面已逐步取得共识.1994年版《美中贸易年鉴》对自由贸易区作了如下的定义:自由贸易区又称自由区、免税区、免税贸易区、对外贸易区.一些国家在交通便利的港口划出一定的区域,置于海关管辖界限之外,完全撤离关税及复杂的海关手续等贸易障碍,只办理行政管理上的申报手续,外国船只可以自由进出,商品可以免税进区,在区内自由储存、取样、分级、装卸、重新包装、加工制造等,然后再免税出口.简言之,自由贸易区是指划在关境以外,准许外国商品豁免关税自由进出的地区.换言之,自由贸易区就是在特定国家中处于该国政治管辖下的关税豁免地区.最近,中央党校出版社出版了由国家主席江泽民题写书名、国务院副总理李岚清担任主编的《中国利用外资基础知识》一书,书中对自由贸易区下了权威性的定义:自由贸易区,又称免税贸易区或对外贸易区、自由关税区,也有国家称之为自由区(FreeZone)或自由市(FreeCity),称谓虽不同,但其性质是一样的.自由贸易区是划在所在国或地区的海关管辖区的关卡以外、以贸易为主的多功能经济性特区.世界 First, the basic definition of free trade zone At present, although the international free trade zone has not yet formed a complete set of definitive definitive definitions, but in some areas have gradually reached a consensus 1994 edition of the “Yearbook of U.S.-China” on free trade zone Made the following definition: free trade area, also known as free zone, duty-free zone, tax-free trade zone, foreign trade zone.Some countries in the transport facilitation of the port to draw a certain area, placed outside the customs jurisdiction, the complete withdrawal of tariffs and Complex customs procedures and other trade barriers, only apply for the declaration of the administrative procedures, foreign vessels are free to enter and exit, the goods can be tax-free zone, free storage in the area, sampling, grading, loading and unloading, repackaging, processing and manufacturing, and then In short, a free trade zone means a zone that is designated outside the customs borders to allow the free passage of tariffs on foreign goods. In other words, a free trade zone is a tariff exemption zone under the political jurisdiction of a country in a given country. , Central Party School Press published by the State President Jiang Zemin inscription title, Vice Premier Li Lanqing as the editor of the "use of foreign investment in China Knowledge of the book, the book on the free trade area under the authority of the definition: free trade zone, also known as tax-free trade zone or foreign trade zone, free customs zone, there are countries called FreeZone or Free City (FreeCity), the title is different, but its nature is the same.Free trade zone is located outside the customs jurisdiction of the country or region, the trade-oriented multi-functional economy zone.
据土耳其FNSS公司官方网站透露,该公司旗下的撒云马公司与印尼最大的防务企业——平达德(PT Pindad)公司联合开发的MMWT现代化中型坦克已经完成概念设计,即将进入样车生产阶
本文采用数字电压表-数字打印机作记录装置的热分析法,研究了形变工艺参数:加热温度(950~1200℃)、轧制温度 (800~1200℃)、形变量 (至50%)、冷却速度 (0.85~45℃/s) 对低碳钢(含
本文通过用科学实验手段揭示了我国古代远到战国、两汉和北魏时期已有可锻铸铁的生产和使用。并推论了当时的生产工艺和设备等情况。 By means of scientific experiments,