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最近,我省部份市、县少数单位和个人,乘本市、县还未全面进行住房制度改革之机抢先把房管部门的直管公房和单位自管房贱价出售给个人;有的借鼓励私人建房为名,对私人建房给予超标准、高标准补贴,有的甚至违反政策法规,擅自占地、买地建私房和扩大建房面积。这些行为,严重地损害了国家和集体利益,在群众中造成了极坏影响。必须及时制止,坚决纠正。现将有关问题通知如下:一、今后出售公有住宅,必须严格按照国务院有关规定(?)国发[1988]11号和国办发[1988]13号)办理。公有住房的售价必须经当地物价部门(?)房地产管理部门审定。向职工 Recently, a few units and individuals in cities and counties in our province took the opportunity to reform the housing system in cities and counties in the first place and sold the straight-line public housing units and units in the housing management department at a bargain price from the management room to individuals. Some borrowed Encourage private housing in the name of private housing to give over standard and high standards of subsidies, and some even violated the policies and regulations, unauthorized occupation of land, buy private housing and expand the construction area. These acts have seriously damaged the interests of the state and the collective and have caused extremely bad influence among the people. We must stop it in time and resolutely correct it. We hereby notify the relevant issues as follows: I. The sale of public housing in the future must be strictly handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council (?) Guo Fa [1988] No. 11 and Guo Ban Fa [1988] No. 13). The price of public housing must be approved by the local price department (?) Real estate management department. To workers
目前,管理水平一般的果园,普遍存在着“一个延长枝就是一把好扫帚”的现象。这主要是由于果树本身的顶端优势和成枝力强等原因造成的。解决的方法有: 1.春季刻芽。3月上旬到
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本文介绍集成化 PIN 管开关的设计过程。讨论了补偿二极管寄生参量的方法。成功地把八毫米波段的商品 PIN 二极管应用到三毫米波段。给出了测试结果:八毫米宽带开关,在27—40
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1 概述通信网的抗毁性是通信网受到电子战、物理破坏和 NBC(核、生物、化学)威胁时,仍能完成特定功能的能力。任何一种通信手段一旦用于军事目的,几乎无例外地要对其抗毁性
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