子宫内膜异位症指子宫内膜样组织生长于子宫腔以外的异常位置而引起的病变及症状。异位的子宫内膜可以发生在身体的很多部位,主要在盆腔。膀胱子宫内膜异位症甚为罕见。现将2例经手术、病理证实者报告如下。1 病例报告例1 女,40岁。间歇性下腹部疼痛1年余,每于月经?
Endometriosis refers to the endometrial-like tissue growth in the uterine cavity outside the abnormal position caused by the disease and symptoms. Ectopic endometrium can occur in many parts of the body, mainly in the pelvic cavity. Bladder endometriosis is rare. Now 2 cases were confirmed by surgery, pathology as follows. 1 case report 1 female, 40 years old. Intermittent lower abdominal pain more than 1 year, every period?