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全国地级市科技兴市战略研讨会定于1991年5月7~10日在陕西省咸阳市召开,会议主要研讨地级市依靠科技进步促进区域全面发展的理论、实施对策和相关问题,并着重就地级市在国民经济发展中的地位和特点,对优化产业结构和生产力布局,实现工农互促、城乡共荣进行研讨。会议为集中深入研讨主题,将不再安排一般的经验交流,而计划用较多时间进行小组专题讨论和大会学术研讨。会议征集论文在3月底截止,请作者将论文一式三份寄咸阳市科委。会议将评选出一、二、三等奖优秀 The prefecture-level city's science and technology promotion strategy conference scheduled to be held in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, from May 7 to May 10, 1991 will mainly discuss the theory, implementation countermeasures and related issues of prefecture-level cities for promoting the all-round development of the region through scientific and technological progress. Focusing on the status and characteristics of prefecture-level cities in the development of the national economy, the two sides also discussed the optimization of the industrial structure and the distribution of productive forces, the realization of mutual promotion of workers and peasants, and the common prosperity of urban and rural areas. In order to focus on the topics for discussion in depth, the meeting will no longer be arranged for general exchange of experience, but plans to devote more time to group discussions and conference academic seminars. Conference Call for Papers by the end of March deadline, the author asked the paper to send three copies of Xianyang City Science and Technology Commission. The conference will select one, two, three prize outstanding
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大力发展农村教育已成为我国教育发展新的战略重点,继2003年教育部、农业部、国土资源部联合下发《关于加强农村学校劳动实践场所建设 Vigorously developing rural educati
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