
来源 :上海企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cucumber
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企业形象的塑造与管理(CI)是企业一项无形资产的投资,是企业资产增值的一种方式。根据国际设计协会统计,在企业形象上投入1美元,可产出227美元,投入产出比为1:227。在日本、美国等现代工业发达国家,十分重视企业形象投入。近几年来,CI战略为越采越多的中国企业所接受,不少企业导入了CI,取得了可观的经济效益。但我们也看到,CI在我国还刚刚起步,对大部分企业来说,是普遍面临的新课题,加之对CI的理解、运作还缺乏全面性和成熟性,致使个别企业走入误区,导人失败,这是值得重视的一个问题。为避免陷入误区,我国企业在导入CI时应注意以下几个问题。 一、要有正确的导入动机 Corporate image building and management (CI) is an enterprise investment in intangible assets, corporate value-added a way of the assets. According to the statistics of International Design Association, one dollar can be invested in corporate image, which can produce 227 U.S. dollars, and the input-output ratio is 1: 227. In Japan, the United States and other modern industrialized countries, attaches great importance to corporate image investment. In recent years, the CI strategy has been adopted by more and more Chinese enterprises. Many enterprises have imported CIs and achieved considerable economic benefits. However, we also see that CI is still in its infancy in our country. For most enterprises, it is a common new topic. In addition, the comprehension and operation of CI are still lack of comprehensiveness and maturity. As a result, individual enterprises have gone wrong and lead People fail, this is a question worth attention. In order to avoid falling into misunderstanding, Chinese enterprises should pay attention to the following questions when importing CIs. First, we must have the correct motivation to import
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由于贯彻执行党的十一届三中全会以来的正确路线、方针和政策,随着农村经济体制改革的深入,我国乡镇企业取得了突破性的发展。 黑龙江多镇企业发展的形势与全国的形势一样,
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