As China will change from a large industrial power into a strong industrial power in the 21stcentury, theinevitabledemand isfor industrialmodernization. Thispaperputs forward three criteria for judging the degree of realization of industrialmodernization: industrial growth efficiency, industrial structure and industrial environment. Together with these, it constructsan indicatorsystem and indicesforevaluating thelevelofindustrialmodernization, and uses this indicator system to evaluate the level of China’s industrial modernization at theturn ofthecentury. TheresultingcomprehensiveindexofChina’sindustrialmodernization is28.72. This indicatesthat, through the rapid industrialization which hastaken place over more than 20 years of reform and opening up, China has commenced its industrial modernization, which is now in the primarystage of development. Thecore of thestrategy forfurther development should be to accelerate the process of industrial modernization.
As China will change from a large industrial power into a strong industrial power in the 21stcentury, theinevitabledemand isfor industrialmodernization. constructsan indicatorsystem and indicesforevaluating the level of industrial modulation, and this indicator system to evaluate the level of China’s industrial modernization at the turn of the century. , China has commenced its industrial modernization, which is now in the primarystage of development. Thecore of thestrategy forfurther development should be to accelerate the process of industrial modernization.