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随着我国改革开放的不断深入,对外交往活动的频繁,申请出国人员的不断增多,对出入境管理工作的要求也越来越严格,以往的管理方式与方法已经不能适应新时期出入境管理工作,这也给出入境管理工作带来了一定的困难和挑战,也形成了不少问题和要求。这就要求出入境管理部门要适应新形势,不断创新管理意识,提高出入境管理工作的方法和理念,加强各方面的服务环节,最大化的提供便民利民措施。出入境管理工作作为国家对外开放的重要门户,要加强各方面的管理工作,保障出入境管理工作的效率和质量。本文对出入境管理工作存在的主要问题和不足进行分析,阐述了新时期出入境管理工作的应对策略。 With the continuous deepening of China’s reform and opening up, the frequent foreign exchange activities, the increasing number of people applying for going abroad, and the increasingly stringent requirements for the administration of exit and entry, the previous management methods and methods have not been able to adapt to the entry-exit administration in the new era This also brought certain difficulties and challenges to the administration of entry and exit as well as many problems and demands. This requires that exit-entry administrations should adapt themselves to the new situation, constantly innovate their management awareness and improve the methods and concepts of exit and entry administration, strengthen the service links in all aspects and maximize convenience and benefit to the public. As an important gateway for the country’s opening up to the outside world, exit and entry management should strengthen management in all aspects and ensure the efficiency and quality of exit and entry management. This article analyzes the main problems and shortcomings in the administration of exit and entry, and elaborates the coping strategies of exit and entry administration in the new period.
目的:探讨睡眠质量自评与慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)的关系。方法:选取2017年贵阳市居民疾病谱调查项目数据中35岁及以上居民42 175名,采用自评形式评价自我夜间睡眠质量,将睡
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