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“天下西湖三十六,惟杭州最著”。杭州西湖以绚丽多彩的湖光山色牵动着古往今来多少人的情愫。唐代诗人白居易的“未能抛得杭州去,一半勾留是此湖”,绝妙地道出了杭州魅力之所在。西湖之秀丽首先在于那一泓碧水,平若明镜,清波涟漪;西湖之秀丽还在于环抱它的群山,苍翠浓郁,层层叠叠;西湖之秀丽更在于环湖上星罗棋布的园林和精心栽培的花卉。山环湖,湖映山;湖中岛,岛中湖。山色湖光令人陶醉,布局奇巧更令人赞叹! 据传说,西湖本是天河仙岛上一块亮闪闪的石头,也是天上的玉龙和金凤的宠爱之物。玉龙和金凤数十年如一日,滴仙山之露珠儿,喷天河之清泉,将这块石头琢磨成一颗璀璨的明珠。贪婪的王母娘娘想窃它为已有,便与玉龙、金凤争斗起来。争斗中明珠 “World West Lake thirty-six, but most Hangzhou.” Hangzhou West Lake with colorful lakes and mountains affecting the number of people from the past to present situation. Bai Juyi, the poet of the Tang Dynasty, “failed to throw Hangzhou to this lake, leaving half of it to be this lake”, which perfectly shows the charm of Hangzhou. The beauty of the West Lake lies first in the clear blue water, even if the mirror, clear wave ripples; beauty of the West is still surrounded by its mountains, lush green, layers; West Lake is more beautiful in the dotted around the lake garden and well-cultivated flowers. Mountain Lake, lake overlooking the mountains; Lake in the island, Lake in the island. Mountain lake is intoxicating, Kit Kat even more impressive layout! According to legend, the West Lake is a piece of Tianhe, a shining stone, but also the sky of the Jade Dragon and Jinfeng’s favorite. Jade Dragon and Jinfeng Decades like a day, dropping dew mountain children, spray Milky Way Spring, this piece of stone pondering into a bright pearl. Greedy Queen Mother would like to steal it as it exists, they fight with the Yulong, Jinfeng up. Pearl of the battle
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