Cyclosporine versus tacrolimus in patients with HCV infection after liver transplantation:Effects on

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linjing912977
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AIM:To determine the effects of the calcineurininhibitors,cyclosporine and tacrolimus,on hepatitis Cvirus(HCV)replication and activity of recurrent hepatitisC in patients post liver transplantation.METHODS:The data of a cohort of 107 patients whoreceived liver transplantation for HCV-associated livercirrhosis between 1999 and 2003 in our center wereretrospectively analyzed.The level of serum HCV-RNAand the activity of recurrent hepatitis were comparedbetween 47 patients who received either cyclosporine ortacrolimus as the primary immunosuppressive agent andan otherwise similar immunosuppressive regimen whichdid not lead to biliary complications within the first 12mo after transplantation.RESULTS:HCV-RNA increased within 3 mo aftertransplantation but the differences between thecyclosporine group and the tacrolimus group wereinsignificant(P=0.49 at 12 mo).In addition,recurrenthepatitis as determined by serum transaminases andhistological grading of portal inflammation and fibrosisshowed no significant difference after 12 mo(P=0.34). CONCLUSION:Cyclosporine or tacrolimus as aprimary immunosuppressive agent does not influencethe induction or severity of recurrent hepatitis in HCV-infected patients after liver transplantation. AIM: To determine the effects of the calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporine and tacrolimus, on hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication and activity of recurrent hepatitis C in patients post liver transplantation. METHODS: The data of a cohort of 107 patients whoreceived liver transplantation for HCV-associated liver cirrhosis between 1999 and 2003 in our center wereretrospectively analyzed. The level of serum HCV-RNA and the activity of recurrent hepatitis were comparedbetween 47 patients who received either cyclosporine ortacrolimus as the primary immunosuppressive agent andan otherwise similar immunosuppressive regimen whichdid not lead to biliary complications within the first 12 mo after transplantation .RESULTS: HCV-RNA increased within 3 mo aftertransplantation but the differences between the cyclosporine group and the tacrolimus group were factors (P = 0.49 at 12 mo). In addition, recurrenthepatitis as determined by serum transaminases andhistological grading of portal inflammation and fibrosisshowedno significant difference after 12 mo (P = 0.34) CONCLUSION: Cyclosporine or tacrolimus as aprimary immunosuppressive agent does not affect the induction or severity of recurrent hepatitis in HCV-infected patients after liver transplantation.
AIM: To evaluate the effect of combination treatment with the interferon (IFN) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-Ⅰ) on several fibrotic indices
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