Syntheses and Crystal Structures of 3,3'-(9,10-Anthrylene)bis-pentane-2,4-dione and 3-(2-Methox

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Two compounds 3,3’-(9,10-anthrylene)bis-pentane-2,4-dione 1 and 3-(2-methoxy-1-naphthalenyl)-pentane-2,4-dione 2 were synthesized by the direct arylation of pentane-2,4-diones in the presence of Mn(OAc)3 and H3PO4. Their crystal structures were determined by X-ray diffraction method. Compound 1, C24H22O4, Mr = 374.4, crystallized in the monoclinic system, space group P21/a with a = 7.393(4), b = 14.308(5), c = 10.099(5) ? = 110.8(4)? V = 999.0 (9) 3, Z = 2, Dc = 2.49g/cm3, F(000) = 392, ?= 0.78cm-1, final R = 0.050 and Rw = 0.057 for 1144 observed reflections with I≥3.00 ?(I). The molecular backbone is the anthracene ring, and two acetoacetone groups are perpendicular to the anthracene ring at 9,10 positions. Compound 2, C16H16O3, Mr = 256.3, crystallized in monoclinic system, space group C2 with a = 14.369(3), b = 7.480 (1), c = 15.878 (2) ? = 128.46(1)? V = 1336.3(4) ?, Z = 4, Dc = 1.27g/cm3, F(000) = 544, ?= 0.81cm-1. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares method, final R = 0.044 and Rw = 0.040 for 764 observed reflections with I ≥3.00(I). The acetoacetone group in compound 2 is also vertical to the naphthalene ring. Two compounds 3,3 ’- (9,10-anthrylene) bis-pentane-2,4-dione 1 and 3- (2-methoxy-1-naphthalenyl) arylation of pentane-2,4-diones in the presence of Mn (OAc) 3 and H3PO4. Their crystal structures were determined by X-ray diffraction method. Compound 1, C24H22O4, Mr = 374.4, crystallized in the monoclinic system, space group C = 10.099 (5)? ​​= 110.8 (4)? V = 999.0 (9) 3, Z = 2 and Dc = 2.49 g / cm3, F (000) = 392,? = 0.78 cm-1, final R = 0.050 and Rw = 0.057 for 1144 observed reflections with I? 3.00? (I). The molecular backbone is the anthracene ring, and two acetoacetone groups are perpendicular to the anthracene ring at 9, 10 positions. Compound 2, C16H16O3, Mr = 256.3, crystallized in monoclinic system, space group C2 with a = 14.369 (3), b = 7.480 (1), c = 15.878 (1)? V = 1336.3 (4) ?, Z = 4, Dc = 1.27g / cm3, F000 = 544,? = 0.81cm-1. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by ful The l-matrix least-squares method, final R = 0.044 and Rw = 0.040 for 764 observed reflections with I ≥ 3.00 (I). The acetoacetone group in compound 2 is also vertical to the naphthalene ring.
尽管“小孩、动物、水”历来被导演们视为“世界上最难对付”的物种,但“童星”这种东西,又的的确确是好莱坞电影工业不可或缺的必需品。  电影是造梦的工业,而童真,正是梦的重要成分。难以想象,失去了秀兰·邓波儿的《小上校》,没有了德鲁·巴里摩尔的《ET外星人》,麦考利·科尔金缺席《小鬼当家》——出于种种原因,好莱坞需要“小鬼”当家。  一代童星秀兰·邓波儿去世,人们翻出她生前讲过的名言,赫然有这么一句:
在工地全體人員的共同努力下,三河閘閘基底板和淮安節制閘全部底板,均分別於去年十二月二十日下午和二十六日下午提前澆好,爲今年汛期以前完成建閘工程打下了勝利基礎。 Wi