全面领会精神 抓好工作落实——《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施有关问题答问

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2005年1月3日,中共中央颁布了《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》。1月11日,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在中央纪委第五次全会上强调,要继续在加强教育、完善制度、强化监督上下功夫,通过深化改革、创新体制,从源头上预防和解决腐败问题,全党要认真落实《实施纲要》提出的各项任务,把反腐倡廉作为一项重大政治任务抓紧抓实。为认真学习、深刻领会、全面贯彻《实施纲要》,切实把反腐倡廉各项工作落到实处,1月12日,中央纪委召开了学习贯彻《实施纲要》座谈会。会上,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记吴官正作了题为《标本兼治、注重预防,从源头上防治腐败》的重要讲话,中共中央书记处书记、中央纪委副书记何勇就贯彻落实《实施纲要》提出了具体要求,中央纪委副书记刘峰岩作了《关于〈实施纲要〉起草情况的说明》。1月13日,中央纪委召开贯彻落实《实施纲要》任务分解部署会议,何勇同志明确指出,要加强领导,狠抓落实,确保惩治和预防腐败体系建设取得实效;中央纪委副书记、监察部部长李至伦在会上宣读了贯彻落实《实施纲要》任务分工意见。为便于广大读者掌握《实施纲要》的基本精神和中央纪委的有关要求,本刊在发表1月12日吴官正同志重要讲话要点的同时,根据有关领导同志的讲话要点和? January 3, 2005, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the “Outline for Establishing and Improving the System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption, Equal Attention to Education, Institutions and Supervision”. On January 11, CPC Central Committee General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that it is necessary to continue devoting efforts to strengthening education, perfecting the system and supervising supervision. By deepening reform and innovating the system, preventing and resolving corruption at the source, The entire party must conscientiously implement all the tasks set forth in the “Implementation Outline,” and pay close attention to fighting corruption and advocating for clean government as a major political task. In order to conscientiously study, profoundly understand and fully implement the “Outline for Implementation”, all work on combating corruption and promoting honest government should be implemented in a down-to-earth manner. On January 12, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a forum on studying and implementing the “Implementation Outline.” At the meeting, Wu Guanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, made an important speech titled “Treating Both the Root and Neutral Problems, Preventive Measures, and Prevention and Control of Corruption from the Source.” He Yong, secretary of the CPC Central Committee and deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Outline “made specific requirements, Liu Feng, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made” on the “outline” drafting situation. On January 13, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a conference on implementing the task of decomposing and implementing the task of “implementing the plan.” Comrade He Yong clearly pointed out that we must strengthen leadership and make great efforts to ensure implementation so as to ensure the effectiveness of the system of punishment and prevention of corruption. The deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the minister of supervision At the conference, Li Zhilun read out the opinions on the task of implementing the task of implementing the “Implementation Outline.” In order to facilitate readers to grasp the basic spirit of the “Implementation Outline” and the relevant requirements of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, this magazine publishes the key points of Comrade Wu Guanzheng's important speeches on January 12, and according to the key points and speeches of the leading comrades concerned?
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