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今年春节期间的天气真不错,爸爸妈妈决定带我和弟弟去老家走走。车在蜿蜒崎岖的山路上爬行着,窗外的天空洁净得像一块清澈的蓝玻璃。不一会儿,我们就到了车下村。哇!山村的景色真美呀!白云悠悠,阳光轻柔,青山绿水一片锦绣,就像一幅多彩的画卷。村头的老藤树伸出无数的枝干,弯弯曲曲地缠绕着、交织着,形成了一个个天然的秋千。听妈妈说,这里是她儿时的乐园。我和 The weather during the Spring Festival this year is really good, Mom and Dad decided to take me and my brother to go home. The car crawls on the meandering rugged mountain road, the sky outside the window is clean like a clear blue glass. In a moment, we arrived at the car under the village. Wow! The scenery of the mountain village is beautiful! The white clouds, the gentle sunlight, the beautiful green mountains and rivers are like a colorful picture scroll. The old vines in the village head out innumerable branches, windingly intertwined, forming a natural swing. Listen to my mother said that this is her childhood paradise. I and
在经济竞争剧烈的条件下,冶金工业的方针是生产优质铁水。燃料和金属价格的新关系和高炉生产观点的变化,使铁水炉外处理得以发展,从环保观点来看,铁水炉外脱 In a highly c
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In order to accurately predict the incident critical heat flux(ICHF,the heat flux at the heated surface when CHF occurs) of a water-cooled W/Cu monoblock for a
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尊敬的编辑老师:你们好!每次买到《全国优秀作文选》我都迫不及待地细细品读,它美丽的封面和精彩的内容总不会让人失望。 Dear Editor and Teacher: Hello! Every time I bu
一位老年妇女因虔诚的信仰和敢于没完没了地表达自己的信仰而出名。她经常站在她家前廊上大声呼喊:“感谢上帝!” An elderly woman is famous for her devout faith and fo