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目的了解水利血吸虫病防治措施,为建立水利血防措施评价指标提供依据。方法选择眉山市东坡区秦家镇马桥村水利血防工程和广汉市连山镇石门村中沟环改水利血防工程以及工程所在村的其他非工程沟渠,用GPS测试沟渠坐标,采用系统抽样法,框距10m,检获的钉螺压碎镜检。选择眉山市东坡区马桥村和广汉市石门村的常住人口,抽取665岁常住居民不少于300名,采用间接血凝试验IHA进行筛查,全部血检阳性者以Kato-Katz法进行病原学检查。结果石门村中沟环改工程片区2007年硬化段沟渠两岸沿线调查,有螺框出现率为0.16%,平均活螺密度0.0015只/框(每框=0.11m2)。未硬化段调查,有螺框出现率7.84%,平均活螺密度0.2只/框。2008年硬化段沟渠两岸沿线调查,有螺框出现率0.77%,活螺密度0.014只/框,未硬化段调查,有螺框出现2%,活螺平均密度0.059只/框。马桥村水利血吸虫病防治工程片区2007年硬化段两岸沿线调查,有螺框出现率0.21%,活螺平均密度0.002只/框。未硬化段调查,有螺框出现率0.96%,活螺平均密度0.096只/框。2008年硬化段两岸沿线调查,有螺框出现率0.20%,捕获活螺2只,活螺平均密度0.04只/框。血检阳性人群主要分布在2635岁及56岁以上两个年龄组,粪检阳性人群均分布在36岁以上年龄组。结论工程修建前沟渠有螺框出现率显著高于工程修建后沟渠,硬化沟渠对控制钉螺生长,降低钉螺密度有很好的效果。 Objective To understand the prevention and cure measures of schistosomiasis and provide the basis for establishing the evaluation index of water and blood prevention measures. Methods Mazhoucun water conservancy project of Qinjia Town, Dongpo District, Meishan City, Zhongguangou Water and Blood Pollution Prevention Project of Shimen Village, Shimen Town, Lianhan Town, Guanghan City, and other non-engineering ditches in the village where the project was located were selected. The ditches were measured by GPS using systematic sampling Law, frame distance 10m, seized snail crush microscopy. Select Maqiao Village, Dongpu District, Meishan City, and Shihmen Village, Guanghan City, and select no fewer than 300 permanent residents aged 665 years for screening by indirect hemagglutination test (IHA). All patients with positive blood test were screened by Kato-Katz method Etiological examination. Results The survey on the cross sections of the ditches of Shimen Village in 2007 was 0.16% with the average live loofah density of 0.0015 per box (frame = 0.11m2). Non-hardened section of the survey, there are screw frame rate of 7.84%, the average live loofah density of 0.2 / box. In 2008, along the cross sections of the ditches of the sclerosis section, the occurrence rate of screw frame was 0.77% and the live spiral density was 0.014 piece / frame. The unhardened section was surveyed with 2% screw frame and average density of live snail 0.059 pieces / box. Maqiao Village Water Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control Project Area along the 2007 cross-strait sclerosis section of the survey, the rate of occurrence of screw frame 0.21%, live snail average density of 0.002 / box. Investigation of unhardened segments, the rate of occurrence of screw frame 0.96%, the average density of live snails 0.096 / box. Investigation along the cross-strait sections of the hardened sections in 2008 showed that the occurrence rate of screw frame was 0.20%, and two live snails were caught, the average density of live snails was 0.04 pieces / box. The positive blood tests were mainly found in 2635 and over 56 age groups. The positive stool tests were all distributed among those over 36 years of age. Conclusions The occurrence rate of screw-frame in trenches before construction is significantly higher than that after construction. The hardened trenches have a good effect on controlling the growth of snails and reducing the density of snails.
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