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沃尔顿收到了著名的耶鲁大学的录取通知书。但是,因为家穷,他交不起学费,面临失学的危机。他决定趁假期去打工,像父亲一样做名油漆工。沃尔顿接到了为一大栋房子做油漆的业务,尽管房子的主人迈克尔很挑剔,但给的报酬很高。沃尔顿很高兴地接受了这桩生意。在工作中,沃尔顿自然是一丝不苟,他认真和负责的态度让几次来查验的迈克尔感到满意。这天,是即将完工的日子,沃尔顿为拆下来的一扇门板刷完最后一遍漆,刚刚把它支起来晾晒。做完这一切,沃尔顿长出一口气,想出去歇息一下,不想却被脚下的砖头绊了个踉跄。这下坏了,沃尔顿碰倒了支起来的门板,门板倒在刚粉刷好的雪白的墙壁上,墙上出现了一道清晰的痕迹,还带着红色的漆印。沃尔顿立即用切刀把漆印切掉,又调了些涂料补上。可是做好这些后,他怎么看怎么觉得补上去的涂料色调和原来的不一样,那新的一块和周围的也显得不协调。怎么办?沃尔顿决定把那面墙重 Walton received a letter of acceptance from the famous Yale University. However, because of poor family, he can not afford tuition fees, facing the crisis of school. He decided to go to work during the holidays and become a painter like his father. Walton received a paint business for a large building, and although the owner, Michael, was very picky, he was paid very well. Walton is pleased to accept this business. In his work, Walton naturally meticulous, his serious and responsible attitude to several times to check Michael satisfied. It was the day of the near completion, and Walton had painted the last one of the door panels that had been removed, and just put it up and dried. After all this, Walton took a breath, want to go out and rest, do not want to be tripped under the foot of the brick stumbled. It was bad, Walton knocked down the sticking door, the door fell on the whitewashed white walls, a clear mark on the wall and a red paint. Walton cut the paint off with a knife immediately, and adjusted some of the paint to make up. However, after doing these, how does he think how to make up the paint color and the original is not the same, that new piece and the surrounding is not coordinated. What to do? Walton decided to put that wall weight
新买《读书》一九九五年第八期,闲时翻阅,读到王蒙先生讲述的第二手经验故事: 我听一些部队的同志这样说过:一打仗思想问题都解决了,而且表现会相当好,相当英勇!炸弹来了,可