A Comparative Study of the Typhidot (Dot-EIA) versus Widal Test in Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever among

来源 :肠胃病学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhou0168
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Background and Study Aim: Typhoid (Enteric) fever is a systemic infection caused by Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi. It is endemic in the developing countries including Egypt. Different diagnostic tools can achieve diagnosis and include cultures
Background: Glecaprevir (nonstructural protein 3/4A protease inhibitor) and Pibrentasvir (nonstructural protein 5A inhibitor) (G/P), a coformulated once-daily,
<正> 一、前言碱精制装置自1988年8月化工投料以来,隔膜碱单耗一直偏高。尤其是1989年大检修后至今,隔膜碱单耗高的矛盾日趋突出(见图1)。由图1可以看出,实际运行中的最低碱
Midface injuries are normally the result of high forces impacted on the face, that can bypass the power of the connection buttresses, which are thick and strong
1.面要常擦经常用手掌环耳摩擦头面。先将两手掌互相摩擦发热,再用两手掌由前额经鼻两侧往下擦,直至下额,再由下额反向上至前额,如此反复进行,一上一下共36次。能促进面部血液循环,增强颜面神经的活动,使面色红润光泽。  2.目要常转经常转动眼珠,按摩眼眶。轻闭双眼,拇指微曲,用两侧指关节处轻擦两眼皮各18次,再用两大拇指背轻擦眼眉各18次,再轻闭两眼,眼珠左右旋转各18次。能促进眼球和眼肌的活动,加速
Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify any differences in adherence to morphine administration protocols between two clinical levels of paramedics
Tenofovir reduces viral load during viral cirrhosis B and improves prognosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Tenofovir du