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龙头山东省淄博市临淄区雪宫学校六(5)班张钰杰在小人国里,有一个叫亮亮的小男孩。他聪明伶俐,对任何事情都感兴趣,他知道外面的世界很精彩,外面的世界很无奈,他不愿意拘泥于小人国里枯燥无味的生活,他想走出去看看外面的世界。于是,他骑着自己的迷你自行车离开了小人国。亮亮骑着自行车一路上欣赏着美丽的风景,惬意极了,他庆幸自己走出小人国的决定。突然,前面一片香蕉林挡住了亮亮的去路,一串串黄澄澄散发着诱人香气的香蕉布满了香蕉林。亮亮又渴又饿,就赶紧摘了几个熟透的香蕉吃了起来。谁知奇迹发生了,只见亮亮变得越来越大,越来越高——高过了小人国的香蕉树,高过了远处的森林…… Leading Shandong Province Zibo Linzi District Xuegong School six (5) classes Zhang Yujie in the villain, there is a bright little boy. He was clever and interested in everything. He knew that the outside world was wonderful. The outside world was helpless. He did not want to stick to the boring life in the villain. He wanted to go out and look at the outside world. So, he rode his own mini bicycle left villain. Bright riding a bike along the way to enjoy the beautiful scenery, very comfortable, he was glad that he out of villain country’s decision. Suddenly, in front of a banana forest blocking the bright path, a string of yellow Chengban exudes attractive aroma of bananas covered with banana forest. Bright and thirsty and hungry, quickly picked a few ripe bananas ate up. Who knows the miracle happened, I saw the bright become bigger and bigger - higher than the small country of banana trees, higher than the distant forest ...
通常讥讽某人贪心不足时,会用一句俗语说——吃着碗里的,惦记着锅里的。但如果套用在I T企业中,却能代表该企业居安思危,时刻跟踪关注新技术发展趋势。可谓是仁者见仁,智者见
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