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  在日常生活中,人们经常碰到需要对各种事物表示看法、观点、见解和建议的场合。英语表示同意时,往往同汉语一样,直截了当,因同意某人的意见不会得罪人。表示不同意别人的观点时, 通常用委婉的语气。另外英美人常用面部表情或动作表示是否同意,点头Yes, 摇头No,耸肩表示“不同意”或“无可奈何”。
  (A)I must know your opinion. Do you agree with me? 我必须知道你的观点。你同意我吗?
  I ll be all for it. 我十分赞成。
  I have nothing against it. 我不反对。
  Are you for or against this plan? 你同意还是反对这个计划?
  I have no objection. 我没意见。
  I quite agree. 我完全赞同。
  (B)I totally disagree. 我完全不同意。
  I don t agree at all. 我根本不同意。
  I m afraid I can t agree with you.恐怕我不同意你的观点。
  I don t think so. 我不这么认为。
  I m against your plan. 我不赞成你的计划。
  (C)I have my own opinion about this decision. 对这个决定我有自己的看法。
  My opinion is different from yours. 我的看法跟你的不一样。
  I m afraid I can t quite agree with you about that. 关于这一点,恐怕我不能完全赞同你。
  We have opposite views on this. 对于这个我们有相反的观点。
  It s a very interesting idea, but I don t think it would work in practice. 这个主意不错,但我认为缺乏可行性。
  ①Sure. / Certainly. / That s correct. / Of course. /All right. / No problem. / That s a good idea. / Yes, I think so.
  ②I agree (with you). / That s true. / Yes, please. / Yes, that s right.
  ③“So 主语 助动词/情态动词/ be.”或“Exactly.” 表示“的确如此;确实是这样”。
  ① No, I don t think so. / I m afraid not. / I really can t agree with you. / I don t agree. 为了使不同意的语气委婉些,往往在发表不同意的看法之前,可以说Sorry、 I m afraid等。
  ② Of course not./ No way!
  ①Yes, maybe.
  ②You may be right.
  A:Do you think a 10 year old child should be allowed to buy a lottery ticket(彩票)?
  B:Of course I do. Everyone should be able to buy one.
  A:You used to buy lottery ticket, didn t you?
  B:Sure, I did. Why do you ask?
  A:Last week, a 10 year old boy won 10,000,000 dollars in the lottery.
  B:Wow! He was so lucky!
  A:What would you do if you won the lottery?
  B:I d buy a new car. It would be nice to visit lots of wonderful places. How about you?
  A:I d start a music club. I love music.
  B:Haha! We are daydreaming. What did the boy do with the money?
  A:He gave it to his parents.
  B:I think he did the right thing.
  1.—You must hand in your report tomorrow.
  —What? . We can t finish it that quickly.
  A.No way B.No problem
  C.That s right D.That s for sure
  【答案与解析】A A项意为“没门;绝不可能”,B项意为“没问题”,C项意为“对;正确”,D项意为“那当然;那是肯定的”。根据答句的下文“我们不能迅速地完成报告”可知,上文是表示不同意对方的观点。   2.—Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin?
  — . I ll do it at once.
  A.Not at all B.No problem
  C.Wait a moment D.That s right
  【答案与解析】B A项意为“一点也不”,B项意为“没问题”,C项意为“等一会儿”,D项意为“没错,是这样的”。根据答语“我马上去做”可知,上句是表示同意对方的请求。
  3.—It s said that shopping online is safe.
  — . You d better be careful.
  A.I agree B.That depends
  C.I think so D.No problem
  【答案与解析】B A项意为“我同意你的观点”,B项意为“看情况而定”,C项意为“我认为是这样的”,D项意为“没问题”。根据答语“你最好还是小心点”可知,上文并不是表示完全同意对方的观点。
  4.—Lily,could you please help me hand in my papers to our teacher?
  — . Where are they?
  A.With pleasure B.Yes, please
  C.Of course not D.Good idea
  【答案与解析】A A项意为“很乐意”,B项意为“好的”,C项意为“当然不介意”,D项意为“好主意”。根据下文“他们在哪?”可知,上文表示同意对方的请求。
  A:I think teenagers should be allowed to get a driver s license as soon as they pass the test.
  B:Maybe. 1
  A:Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work?
  B:Yes. 2 They should be allowed to work only on weekends.
  A: 3
  B:I don t like pierced ears, and I think teenagers should spend more time on their studies.
  A: 4 I don t like earrings. I think they are silly.
  B: 5
  A:No, thanks for your answers.
1 序言绞股蓝 [学名GynostemmaPentaphyllum (Thunb)Makino]属双子叶植物纲、合瓣花亚纲、葫芦科 ,多年生草质藤本植物。它素有“南方人参”的美誉 ,含有 60多种皂甙 (其中 4种为人参皂甙Rb1、Rb3、Rd、F2成分 ) ,1 3
常言道:良好的开端是成功的一半。作文的开头如果能恰到好处,常能一下子吸引住读者,也能增加文章的亮点。所以,能否灵活自如地写好作文开头往往关系到一篇文章的成败。  英语作文的篇幅普遍比较简短,开头更需明确文章的主题。下面介绍一下写英语作文时常用的几种开头方法。  一、直白法  直白法即开门见山法,要求作文开头用一两句话就引出主题,也就是说,让读者快速、直接地了解文章的主旨,而不是去绕圈子。例如:  
谚语是洋溢着文化气息的哲理性语言,是智慧的结晶。在写作中,考生如果能够恰当地引用一两句谚语,可增强文章的表现力,提升作文档次,也会让读者眼前一亮。现辑录一些写作中常会用到的谚语以供参考。  1.Well begun, half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。  2.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。  3.Great minds
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Summer vacation is coming. I have made some plans about it.  During the vacation, I will make sure that the diet is regular and suitable. And I will keep exercising for about half an hour every day. I
语篇导读  你们学校有开设生命课吗?如果有,是什么样的生命课呢?如果没有,你希望能开设什么样的生命课?日本的一所高中开设了特殊的生命课,学生需要花费六个月的时间亲自孵化、喂养、记录鸡的成长过程,最后需亲自宰杀和烹饪来感受鸡所做出的牺牲。  For the past 60 years, every new student at a high school in Japan has taken the