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目的通过对承德市辖不同规模职业病危害企业(以下简称:接害企业)职业卫生管理现状调查,了解和掌握不同规模接害企业开展职业卫生管理工作的现状和水平,为新形势下制定有针对性、有效的职业病危害预防和控制措施提供基础性参考依据。方法按照国家发布的《职业病危害因素分类目录》,选择2012年全市存在职业病危害的1 117家接害企业为调查对象。采用自制调查表法、现场调查及查询安监部门备案资料等方法,通过4个方面15项指标调查企业职业卫生管理工作现状。结果①企业职业卫生管理机制和制度建设方面:7个调查项目仅有2项制定率达到70%。大、中、小型企业综合7项指标平均制定率分别是77.55%、83.90%、52.21%,总体平均率为56.03%。②职业卫生管理部门及人员设置方面:3个调查项目仅有1项制定率达到70%。大、中、小型企业综合3项指标平均制定率分别是85.71%、90.48%、65.62%,总体平均率为67.14%。③职业危害预评、控评方面:2项目开展率显著偏低,分别是预评25.78%、控评24.71%。大、中、小型企业综合2项目平均开展率分别是50.00%、51.59%、23.50%,总体平均率25.25%。④其他管理方面:3个调查项目有2个达到70%。大、中、小型企业综合3项平均率分别是57.17%、92.06%、70.17%,总体平均率71.32%。结论承德市辖不同规模接害企业职业卫生管理现状不容乐观。综合15项内容,无论职业卫生机制和制度建设、职业卫生管理部门和人员配备、职业病危害因素评价及其他方面等开展率普遍不高,特别是企业对涉及职业病“三级预防”中的重要工作,比如开展职业病危害因素检测、职业健康监护以及职业病危害评价等重视度低,缺乏机制和制度保障;综合结果显示,中型企业开展职业卫生管理工作相对最好,小型企业最差。 Objective To understand and master the status quo and the level of occupational health management carried out by enterprises of different scales and harm to the occupational health management of enterprises of different scales in Chengde under the jurisdiction of enterprises of different scales (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises”), Sexual, effective occupational hazards prevention and control measures provide a basic reference. Methods According to the Catalog of Occupational Hazards Classified by the State, 1 117 enterprises with occupational diseases hazards in 2012 were selected as the survey subjects. Using self-made questionnaire method, on-site investigation and inquiring about filing information of safety supervision department, the paper investigates the current situation of occupational health management in enterprises through 15 indexes in 4 aspects. Results ①In the aspect of occupational health management system and system construction, only two of the seven survey items set a rate of 70%. The average formulation rate of seven indicators for large, medium and small enterprises was 77.55%, 83.90% and 52.21% respectively, with an overall average of 56.03%. ② Occupational health management department and personnel settings: Only one of the three survey items has a formulation rate of 70%. The average formulation rates of three indicators for large, medium and small enterprises were 85.71%, 90.48% and 65.62% respectively, with an overall average of 67.14%. ③ occupational hazards pre-assessment, control evaluation: 2 project development rate was significantly lower, respectively, pre-assessment 25.78%, control assessment 24.71%. The average development rate of the large, medium and small enterprises comprehensive 2 projects was 50.00%, 51.59% and 23.50% respectively, with an overall average rate of 25.25%. ④ Other Management: Two of the three survey projects reached 70%. The average of three large, medium and small-sized enterprises was 57.17%, 92.06% and 70.17% respectively, with an overall average rate of 71.32%. Conclusion The status quo of occupational health management in enterprises with different scales of injury under the jurisdiction of Chengde is not optimistic. Comprehensive 15 items, no matter occupational health system and system construction, occupational health management departments and staffing, evaluation of occupational hazards and other aspects of the development rate is generally not high, especially for enterprises involved in occupational diseases Important work, such as carrying out occupational hazards testing, occupational health monitoring and evaluation of occupational hazards such as the low degree of emphasis, the lack of mechanisms and institutional guarantees; comprehensive results show that medium-sized enterprises to carry out occupational health management is the best, the worst small businesses.
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一项室内照明设计方案毫无隙缝地融合在当地的环境中,强化了这所房屋奇妙建筑风格的雕塑化特性。  许多加利福尼亚人天生就具有环保意识,就如邻居的意识一样,这在Marin郡表现地尤为明显。这座闻名于世的城市横跨了旧金山的金门大桥,房价极高,能看到附近的雄壮山脉和旧金山水坝的壮丽美景。而且有关视觉和光线污染的法令也非常严格,例如对一座位于Marin郡山坡上的新小屋进行室内设计时,建筑家们就创造了一种具有精