电厂信息化新宠 SIS任重而道远

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信息化是当今全球的发展趋势,我国火电厂自动化的发展在走过分散控制系统时代和网络化时代后,即将进入数字化和信息化时代。从火电厂厂级监控信息系统SIS概念的提出到现在短短的7年间,它正在以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展着。发电企业、设计院和IT厂商对SIS的关注程度也超过以往任何一项自动化技术。在经历了初期的论证阶段后,火电厂SIS建设正逐渐进入快速发展期,业内人士普遍认为SIS系统的发展将为发电企业带来巨大的变革,同时也为IT企业带来巨大的商机。然而,SIS与以往任何一个新生事物一样,它的成长过程势必需要经过一个不断争论、完善、应用,最终成熟的漫长过程。在这一过程中,为了保证SIS的健康快速发展,解决目前诸多亟待解决的问题,无论是发电企业、设计院还是IT厂商都在积极采取各种措施以促进SIS的良性发展。为了更好地加强行业引导和管理,促进SIS的技术交流,提供并搭建用户和开发商之间的沟通渠道,本期的“特别策划”将从集团声音、企业面对面、三言两语、SIS大事记4个栏目全面介绍SIS系统的发展过程。 Informationization is the global trend of development. The development of thermal power plant automation in our country is about to enter the era of digitization and information after the age of decentralized control system and networked era. It has been booming at an unprecedented rate from the proposition of the SIS concept of thermal power plant supervisory control information system to the present seven years. Power companies, design institutes and IT vendors are also paying more attention to SIS than any previous automation technology. After experiencing the initial stage of demonstration, the construction of thermal power plant SIS is gradually entering a period of rapid development. It is generally accepted by the insiders that the development of SIS system will bring about tremendous changes for power generation enterprises as well as tremendous business opportunities for IT enterprises. However, like any other newborn thing in the past, SIS will inevitably undergo a long process of constant debate, improvement, application and eventually maturity. In this process, in order to ensure the healthy and rapid development of SIS and to solve many problems to be solved urgently, no matter whether the power generation enterprises, design institutes or IT vendors are taking active measures to promote the sound development of SIS. In order to better enhance the guidance and management of the industry, promote the technical exchange of SIS, and provide and establish communication channels between users and developers, this issue of “Special Planning” will be conducted from the Group’s voice, face-to-face business, 4 columns a comprehensive introduction to the development of SIS system.
党内民主发展的新路  ——中共党内民主模式的发展历程和特征  人民论坛杂志社  国家行政学院科研部  联合主办    编者的话:中国共产党建党80多年来,党内民主建设不断发展完善,形成了自己的特色,开辟了一条党内民主发展的新路。党的十七届四中全会决定指出,要切实推进党内民主建设。当前党内民主建设面临新的形势和任务,党内民主模式如何进一步完善成为当务之急。那么,中国特色的党内民主模式,其发展历程、基
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营养性巨幼细胞性贫血(以下简称巨幼贫),是我省常见病之一,它仍严重地危害着人民的健康。我们收集了三部分医院历年来585例(其中多数为70年代之病例)进行了 Nutritional me