Design Methodology of the Structure of Postal Express Mail Networks of Aviation Channels in China

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjw842008
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On the basis of the postal area center office system, the continuous space approximation is used to study the structure of postal express mail networks of aviation channels in China. Tradeoffs among sorting, handling, transportation, administrative and facilities costs are examined. The optimizing design methodology proposed in this paper can be used to analyze and design the postal express mail network. The objective is to minimize the total system cost. On the basis of the postal area center office system, the continuous space approximation is used to study the structure of postal express mail networks of aviation channels in China. Tradeposition among handling, transportation, administrative and facilities costs are examined. The optimizing design methodology proposed in this paper can be used to analyze and design the postal express mail network. The objective is to minimize the total system cost.
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