Diversity synthesis of tetrahydroprotoberberines glycosides by combined chemical and microbial catal

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjkg
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The present study was designed to construct the structurally diverse library of tetrahydroprotoberberines(THPBs) by combining the methods of chemical nonselective demethylation and microbial glycosylation. HPLC-MS/MS analyses tentativelyidentified 12 de-methylated and 9 glycosylated derivates of THPBs and 5 rarely oxidized glycosides of THPBs in the library. Through this effort, we achieved not only a variety of the THPBs and their glycosides but also tested the catalytic characteristics and capabilities of G. deliquescens NRRL 1086. The present study was designed to construct the structurally diverse library of tetrahydroprotoberberines (THPBs) by combining the methods of chemical nonselective demethylation and microbial glycosylation. HPLC-MS / MS analyzes tentatively identified 12 de-methylated and 9 glycosylated derivates of THPBs and 5 rarely oxidized glycosides of THPBs in the library. Through this effort, we achieved not only a variety of the THPBs and their glycosides but also tested the catalytic characteristics and capabilities of G. deliquescens NRRL 1086.
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