我国是世界上最大的养猪大国,世界上1/2的存栏猪在中国饲养,随着养猪产业化的兴起,规模化养猪场越来越多,也越来越大,随之而来的是环境问题。以有机氮为例,化肥污染占40%,而禽畜粪便污染占35%,禽畜粪便成为环境非点源污染的主要污染源之一。2014年我国生猪出栏量达到了73 510万头(国家统计局数据),以每年1头猪约生产700千克鲜粪尿,可产生鲜粪尿约为5.1亿吨,猪粪便排放会对环境造成巨大的污染,也是对资源的巨大浪费。如果能够将全年生
China is the largest pig-breeding country in the world. One-half of the world’s hoarding pigs are raised in China. With the rise of pig-raising industry, large-scale pig farms are more and more large and large The problem is the environment. Taking organic nitrogen as an example, fertilizer pollution accounts for 40%, while livestock excrement pollution accounts for 35%. Livestock manure has become one of the major pollution sources of environmental non-point source pollution. In 2014, the number of slaughter pigs in our country reached 73 510 000 heads (National Bureau of Statistics of China). About 700 kg of fresh excrement were produced per pig per year, accounting for about 510 million tons of fresh excrement and urine. Huge pollution, but also a huge waste of resources. If you can annual year