浪潮之花 齐鲁之春——记山东浪潮电子信息产业集团公司

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浪潮,我们时代的象征;浪潮,齐鲁人民的骄傲。我们的消费品市场从旧的“三大件”——手表、自行车、缝纫机过渡到彩电、冰箱、洗衣机、电子计算机,……时间短促得像刮过一阵旋风,伴随着城市居民急剧兴起、扩张的计算机、家电消费需求,一个充满挑战和机遇的电子信息市场形成了。就是这样一个市场,将10年前连职工工资都发不出、濒临倒闭的300多职工的小厂造就成今天在全行业市场占有率仅次于“长城”集团的一级企业,这就是国内外名闻遐尔的浪潮信息产业集团公司。“浪潮”是集计算机开发、生产、销售、服务和进出口贸易于一体化的高科技企业集团,国家一级企业,现有固定资产四亿元之多。近年来,该集团不仅是计算机的产销量在全国名列前茅、是国内计算机行业三大集团之一(北有长城,南有长江,中有浪潮),而且“浪潮牌”微型机两次获得国家行业评比一等奖,两次荣获国家最高质量奖银质奖,在国内外市场上具有较强的竞争力。“浪潮”产品声誉越盛,国内外订单纷至沓来,令同行钦慕不已。 Waves, the symbol of our times; wave, the pride of Qilu people. Our consumer goods market has shifted from the old “three big parts”—watches, bicycles, and sewing machines to color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and computers. The short time is like a whirlwind whirlwind, accompanied by the rapid rise of urban residents. With the expanding consumer demand for computers and home appliances, an electronic information market full of challenges and opportunities has formed. This is a market in which a small factory with more than 300 employees who were unable to pay even the wages of employees and was on the verge of collapse was created as the first-tier enterprise in the industry after the “Great Wall” Group. It is the Inspur Information Industry Group Company, which is known both at home and abroad. “Inspur” is a high-tech enterprise group integrating computer development, production, sales, service, and import and export trade. It is a state-level enterprise with an existing fixed assets of as much as 400 million yuan. In recent years, the group not only has the highest computer output and sales in the country, but also is one of the top three groups in the domestic computer industry (the Great Wall in the north, the Yangtze River in the south, and the Inspur in the middle), and the “Langchao” micro-computer was obtained twice. The first prize of the national industry competition, twice won the national silver medal of the highest quality award, has strong competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. The reputation of the “Inspur” product is more prosperous, and domestic and foreign orders have come one after another, making peers endlessly admiring.
Part One起雾了。大团大团的雾像牛奶般倾泻而来,那抹艳丽的鲜红很快消失在了雾中。黑豹的速度顿时慢下来,不知所措地转动着方向盘。“还追吗?”它问我。“继续追!”黑豹打开