
来源 :河南医学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_zq
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本文旨在了解我省孕妇弓形体(To)、风疹(Ru)、巨细胞病毒(CMV)及布鲁氏菌病(Br)4种致畸传染病的感染状态及其所致出生及出生后异常情况。于1990年7月~1993年10月对本省6市(县)部分参加围生保健的孕妇进行了血清流行病学监测(To、Ru、CMV测定IgM,Br测定IgG),感染率分别为To:3.34%(138/4126)、Ru:0.84%(62/7375)、CMV:1.10%(71/6428)、Br:0.92%(38/4126)。不同年龄、孕次及孕期的妇女感染率无明显差异。To感染二、三季度较高,北部的新乡地区高于黄河以南地区,而Ru感染则以南部地区为高,Br感染有明显的职业性。在304例阳性孕妇中有5例为交叉感染。阳性孕妇临床症状发生率为To:ll.59%(l6/138)、Ru:12.90%(8/62)、CMV:ll.27%(8/71)、Br:7.89%(3/38)。且主要表现为上感、发热等,无明显特征。新生儿脐血抗体测定显示孕晚期及中期感染的孕妇其新生儿大部分仍保留有相关抗体,而孕早期感染者大多已消失。对266例阳性孕妇所生产女随访,共查出24例异常,结果显示4种传染病所致出生及生后异常的? This article aims to understand the pregnant women in our province toxoplasma (To), rubella (Ru), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and brucellosis (Br) four kinds of teratogenic infectious disease status and its caused after birth and after birth abnormal situation. Serum epidemiological surveillance (To, Ru, CMV, IgM and Br for IgG) were conducted in pregnant women who took part in perinatal care in 6 cities (counties) in our province from July 1990 to October 1993. The infection rates were To : 3.34% (138/4126), Ru: 0.84% ​​(62/7375), CMV: 1.10% (71/6428), Br: 0.92% (38/4126). There was no significant difference in the infection rates among women of different ages, pregnancies and pregnancies. To infection in the second and third quarters are higher than in the north of Xinxiang area south of the Yellow River, while Ru infection in the southern region is high, Br infection obvious occupation. Five of 304 positive pregnant women were cross-infected. The positive incidence of clinical symptoms of pregnant women To: ll. 59% (l6 / 138), Ru: 12.90% (8/62), CMV: ll. 27% (8/71), Br: 7.89% (3/38). And the main performance for the flu, fever, no obvious characteristics. Neonatal cord blood antibody test showed that the majority of pregnant women with third trimester and mid-term infection still retain the relevant antibodies, while most of the infected in early pregnancy have disappeared. A total of 266 cases of positive pregnant women were followed up, a total of 24 cases were detected abnormalities, the results showed that 4 kinds of infectious diseases caused by birth and abnormal after birth?
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