
来源 :短篇小说(原创版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LuYang
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乡土小说占据着中国现当代文坛的重要地位,从鲁迅创作的一系列以浙东的故乡为时代背景的文学作品开始,乡土文学就正式成为中国文学的重要表现形式之一。一方面,早期的乡土文学作家主要是精英知识分子,当他们接受了现代化的高等教育之后,习惯于用现代文明的思考方式去审视中国的乡土社会,流露出强烈的批判色彩。正如鲁迅对中国国民劣根性的评价:“哀其不幸,怒其不争。”精英知识分子笔下的中国乡土世界笼罩在不幸的阴霾之下,令人无法产生快乐的情愫;另一方面,进入到20世纪八九十年代以来延续传统乡土小说创作模式的作家们进行了新的尝试,汪曾祺等乡土作家、乡土作家创作的作品展现了 Local novels occupy the important position of contemporary Chinese literary circles. Starting from a series of literary works made by Lu Xun with the hometown of East Zhejiang as the background of the times, local literature has officially become one of the important manifestations of Chinese literature. On the one hand, the early native writers were mainly elite intellectuals. When they accepted the modern higher education, they became accustomed to examining China’s native society in a modern way of thinking and showing strong criticism. Just as Lu Xun’s assessment of the evil nature of the Chinese people: “Sadly, it is anger.” The Chinese native world written by elite intellectuals is shrouded in unhappy haze, making people unable to create happy feelings. On the other hand, By the 1980s and 1990s, the writers who continued the traditional mode of creation of local novels have made new attempts. Works by local writers such as Wang Zengqi and local writers have shown
From December 2 to 4, the China-Russia Performing Arts Dialogues took place in Beijing. This event was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China and the
Chinese ancestors used human figures,beasts, birds, flowers, characters and natural phenomena in a symbolic and allusive manner in order to express their best w
大用外腓,真体内充。反虚入浑,积健为雄。具备万物,横绝太空。荒荒油云,寥寥长风。超以象外,得其环中。持之非强,来之无穷。 Great use of the Philippians, the body charg