Unit 4 Global Warming

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  1. There is a growing _______for people to work at home instead of in offices. To do so would _______ to provide more flexible working hours and don’t have to waste time on the way to offices. (tend)
  2. In fact, a person’s value consists in his _________ to others whether important. So does other living creatures, e.g. Plants and animals _______ primarily to be used by humans. (exist)
  3. She took a cold water bath to _______ herself and then went back to work again. Apart from taking a cold shower, ice-cream is also a good ___________ for her, which can make her feel ___________ again. (refresh)
  4. It is not the way to ________ a child by making him do things against his will. What’s more, a child should be exposed not only to knowledge from text books but also learn from practices. So it goes that a child ________ only at school is an uneducated child. Many reforms must be made to the _________ system. (educate)
  5. Each person __________ one yuan to the people in the earthquake-stricken area and there will be 1.3 billion. The amount of money will thus make great ____________ to the reconstruction of the new home in that area.(contribute)
  请以“Start from Today” 为题写一篇海报以增强同学们的环保意识,并尽量用上以下词语:
  (1) energy, electrical appliance, tend, switch
  (2) waste, at random, sort the trash, recycle
  (3) environmentally friendly, transportation
  (4) oxygen, global warming
  (5) advocate, economical, educate, commitment
  go up, subscribe to, quantity of, result in, come about, on the whole, on behalf of, keep on
  How did it___1___that air quality is a top concern among residents in big cities? It’s for the reason that poor air quality___2___poor health. The number of people affected by the air quality___3___year by year. Professor Wang,___4___the Health Department announced a research result which shows roadside pollution levels are responsible for 90,000 hospital admissions and 2,800 premature deaths in 2008 Hong Kong only. Tracing to its source, the humans are to blame. Factories___5___releasing burning fuel with high sulphur (硫) into the air which lead to industrial, grey-air smog. What’s more, large___6___ diesel vehicles emit 80% of nitrogen dioxide from the entire road transport sector.___7___, measures must be taken to relieve air pollution. In some cities, dwellers voluntarily___8___an organization, called Green Action, which will surely play a role in raising awareness in environment protection.
  阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。
  The latest victim of climate change is not the polar bear or melting ice caps - it is food. Food scarcity is an old phenomenon,___1___ a new study warns that warming temperatures could leave more than half the world’s population___2___(face) food shortages by 2100. The National Science Foundation study examines the___3___ (severe) of rapidly warming temperatures on the world’s food security.
  Using direct observation and climate models, the study’s authors found there was a 90-percent probability___4___ by 2100 the lowest temperatures during growing season in the tropics and subtropics will be higher than any___5___ (record) to date. University of Washington professor David Battisti,___6___co-authored the report, says problem could be even7___ widespread. Citing the___8___ (dead) heat wave that hit France in 2003, he says the models show those temperatures could become the standard.
  “In mid-latitudes, extreme years___9___ 2003 are going to look like the normal 100 years from now at the end of this century,” said Battisti. “But in the tropics extreme years in the past,___10___ most extreme years in the past, is still going to be way colder than the years in the future.”
目的对国产与进口吲达帕胺片(抗高血压药)在中国健康人体中的药代动力学进行研究,并对两种制剂的生物等效性进行评价与分析。方法 2008年1月~2009年6月选择60名健康受试者为试验
近几年广东高考基础写作命题形式以文字提纲的形式出现。它的特点就是所给材料含有的信息比较多,但写作要求是只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。单一地用某种句型,文章就显得平淡乏味。如果在这五句话中所包含的句子结构能做到多样,那么,这篇文章显得就很漂亮了。  要让一篇文章的句式多样,其实并不难。在写作时,我们常用到的有以下几种方法:  一、运用同位语  此方法常用于介绍人或事物。  [例1]李敏是个女孩子,今