
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lionpb
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一、深圳政府机构改革的内容和做法 深圳在推进政府机构改革过程中,紧紧围绕需要解决的一些重点、难点问题进行突破,主要做法如下: 1、按照政企分开的原则,转变政府行政管理职能,理顺政企关系 政企不分是传统体制下政府管理经济的最大弊病。深圳积极转变政府行政管理职能,把企业自主权归还给企业,建立新型的政企关系。 一是撤销专业经济管理部门。传统体制下按行业或部门设置的专业性经济管理部门充当了企业的“婆婆”,直接干预着企业的经营活动。为改变这种状况,特区的改革首先向政府这些经济管理部门开刀。在1981年底的第一次机构改革中,深圳市造就大刀阔斧地撤销和改组了一批专业性经济管理部门,使计划经济条件下那种行政条条干预、直接管理的职能失去了生存的土壤。一方面,企业减少了“婆婆”,自主权扩大了,另一方面,政府也从部门直接管理转到实行行业管理。 二是取消企业与政府行政隶属关系,实行企业无行政主管改革。政府对企业实行行业管理后,就意味着需按市场规律办事。为此,1993年,特区取消了市属国有企业套用行政级别的传统作法,按照国际通用的资产、利税、销售三大指标体系,将企业分为三类九级,企业的有关待遇与其类级挂钩,每两年对企业的类级进行重新评价。这一改革,促使企业由过去的“ I. Contents and Practices of the Reform of Shenzhen Governmental Organizations In the process of advancing the reform of government agencies, Shenzhen has made breakthroughs in a number of key and difficult issues that need to be resolved. The main measures are as follows: 1. In accordance with the principle of separation of government from enterprises, Function, to streamline the relationship between government and enterprise is the biggest drawback to the government under the traditional system of economic management. Shenzhen has actively transformed its government administrative functions and returned enterprise autonomy to enterprises so as to establish a new type of relationship between government and enterprises. First, the withdrawal of professional economic management. Under the traditional system, the specialized economic management departments set up by the industry or department have acted as the “mother-in-law” of enterprises and directly interfered with the business activities of enterprises. To change this situation, the reform of the SAR started with the economic management departments of the government. In the first institutional reform at the end of 1981, Shenzhen drafted and drastically removed and reorganized a number of specialized economic management departments so that the functions of direct management under the planned economy lost the soil for survival. On the one hand, enterprises have reduced “mother-in-law” and their autonomy has been expanded. On the other hand, the government has also shifted from direct departmental management to industrial management. The second is to cancel the business and government administrative affiliation, the implementation of corporate executives without administrative reform. After the government implements the industrial management on the enterprises, it means that it is required to act according to the laws of the market. To this end, the SAR abolished the traditional practice of applying the administrative level of municipal state-owned enterprises in 1993 and classified the enterprises into three types and nine levels in accordance with the three major international standard systems for assets, profits and taxes and sales. The relevant treatment of enterprises and their classifications Linked, every two years on the class level to re-evaluate. This reform, prompting enterprises from the past "
患者女 74岁, 1997年3月13日就诊 住院号970292 右眼上睑长小黑痣10年,病理报告恶性黑色素瘤(未治疗),黑痣上长瘤4年,逐渐长大,近数月长势特别快,下睑长瘤4个月,约桃子大,恶臭,反复出血1个月。出血后,明显
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阿尔泰边区720万公顷耕地中大约一半分布在不同坡度和坡向的坡地上.土壤肥力多样化、冻层深、春季土壤化冻时间长、融雪时间短、有径流、坡长、常有暴 Approximately half o
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