随着农村经济的发展 ,农民购买机动车辆的逐年增多 ,在这里提醒大家 ,有 10种车辆不能买 ,买了不仅上不了户 ,甚至还会带来种种麻烦。一是使用年限超标的车辆。按规定 ,载重汽车使用年限为 12年 ,矿山特种车 10年 ,大客车 14年 ,其它车辆 13年 ,超过标准即报废 ,不能买。二是累
With the development of the rural economy, the peasants’ purchase of motor vehicles has been increasing year by year, reminding everyone here that 10 kinds of vehicles can not be bought and bought, and not only can it be bought but also brought with all kinds of troubles. First, the service life of vehicles exceeding the standard. According to regulations, truck service life of 12 years, 10 years mine special vehicles, buses for 14 years, other vehicles for 13 years, exceeding the standard that is scrapped, can not buy. Second, tired