突出民族特色 打造文化品牌——内蒙古边防总队全力推动警营文化新发展

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近年来,内蒙古边防总队党委立足民族地区实际,主动吸纳草原文化中的优秀成分,大力实施文化育警、文化兴警、文化强警战略,形成了文化自觉、文化自信、文化自强的良好局面,构建了具有北疆民族特色的警营文化格局,为实现部队科学发展提供了强大的精神动力和有力的文化支撑。坚持“两个把握”一是把握内涵,搭建特色文化工作新平台。总队党委高度重视文化工作的项层策划,树立了“统筹兼顾、和谐发展”的文化发展理念,提出了“汲取民族文化、打造文化品牌”的整体建设思路,营造了大兴民族文化、创新警营文化的浓厚氛围,基本形成底蕴丰厚、导向鲜明、时代感强、民族特色浓郁的内蒙古公安边防文化内涵。结合部局文化建设“两个三年”规划, In recent years, the party committee of Inner Mongolia Border Defense Corps has taken the reality of the ethnic areas and took the initiative to absorb the outstanding elements in the grassland culture. It vigorously implemented the strategy of cultural police, cultural and police, and cultural police, forming a good situation of cultural awareness, cultural self-confidence and cultural self-improvement. The police battalion has been constructed with the national characteristics of northern Xinjiang and provided a powerful spiritual force and strong cultural support for the realization of the scientific development of the armed forces. Adhere to “two grasp ” First, grasp the connotation, build a new platform for cultural work with characteristics. The Corps’ party committee attaches great importance to the cultural planning of the cultural work and has established the concept of “cultural development with all-round consideration and harmonious development” and put forward the overall construction thinking of “drawing national culture and building up a cultural brand” and creating a culture of Daxing national culture , A vigorous atmosphere of police camp culture was created, and the connotation of public security frontier culture in Inner Mongolia basically formed with rich connotation, clear orientation, strong sense of the times and strong ethnic characteristics. With the Bureau of Bureaucratic Culture “two three years ” planning,
1999年,印度和巴基斯坦之间因为克什米尔问题爆发卡吉尔战争(Kargil War),这已经是双方第四次为了克什米尔问题掐架。战争持续了70天,死伤1000多人。这本该是一场极能吸引眼
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