A Validation Study on Communicative Approach Applied in Grammar Teaching

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  【Abstract】The author applied CA into grammar teaching and conducted an experiment for English majors in Jingdezhen College to compare the effect of CGT with that of traditional translation method.
  【Key Words】CAgrammar teaching
  Language is a kind of tool for communication.The purpose of English teaching is to develop the students’ communicative competence,the same is true with grammar teaching.Students not only need to learn language structures but also should learn how to use them in real situations.However,the current grammar teaching method can’t make learners communicate in real contexts accurately and fluently.
  On the basis of the survey concerning the CGT both at home and abroad as well as the analysis of the specific conditions of grammar teaching in Jingdezhen College,the author applied CA into grammar teaching and conducted an experiment to compare the effect of CGT with that of traditional translation method.
  1. Experiment of CA
  1.1 Subjects
  Ninety students from two classes in English Department in Jingdezhen College had participated in this experiment. All of these participants were freshmen.E-Class with 45 students receives the grammar teaching with communicative instruction,and C-Class with 45 students receives the traditional instruction.Both classes were given the same target grammatical items for the experiment—Noun clauses.
  1.2 Procedures
  The first stage Pre-test
  A pre-test paper was distributed to all the students in Grade One in English Department.The students’ basic grammatical knowledge and competence are tested in the examination paper,the contents of which include almost all grammar items learned in high school.After the correcting the papers and analyzing the scores,the author chose Class1 and Class2 in this experiment.
  Table 1 Comparisons of the scores in pre-test of Two Classes
  The Z-value Statistics is Z=0.36(/Z/<1.96,P>0.05),which shows that the two classes have no significant variability.This suggests that the students of the two classes have the same or similar level in English learning when they entered the experiment.
  The second stage The experiments on Noun clauses
  In the experiment,the author strictly conducted the lessons as the following teaching steps as follow:
  The main steps for E-Class lesson:
  Step1Presentation and lead-in:Lead in the grammar items by playing a puzzling game, listening to a story, or making a dialogue.   Step2Discussion and inference:Identify, comprehend the grammar structure by discussion and make related inference.
  Step3Summing-up:Make the students themselves sum up the grammar rules.
  Step4Consolidation practice:Consolidate the grammar structure through structured-focused exercises.
  Step5Communicative practice: Engage themselves in different contexts or activities to communicate using the new linguistic form.
  Step6Feedback and correction:Analyze the mistakes the students made and make a summary.
  Step7Homework:Assign some written exercises to help students to consolidate the grammatical knowledge.
  The main steps for C-class lesson:
  Step1Revision:It aims to review the grammar that has been learned.
  Step2Presentation:The teacher presents grammatical rules of the target form and then gives enough examples to explain the rules one by one.
  Step3Practice:The teacher gives learners some pattern-drill exercises to practice the target form.
  Step4Production:Some activities are designed for the learners to use the target form.
  Step5Homework:Assign some written exercises to help students to consolidate the grammatical knowledge.
  The third stage Post-test
  The post-test is used to observe the changes between EC and CC after the experiment,which is significant to the success of the experiment.The post-test papers for EC and CC were designed all the same in the format, the quantity of items and the time allocation in order to ensure the tests are reliable,objective and comparable.
  Table 2 Comparisons of the scores in Post-test of two Classes
  Data from the post-test show that both classes got improved after the experiment. Z-value indicates the two classes have significant variability after the experiment(/Z/=3.48>1.96,P<0.05),which shows that the learners in E-Class obtained much more than in C-Class. Therefore,we can make a conclusion that CA is more feasible than traditional translation method in grammar teaching.
  2. Findings from the experiment
  The experiment results indicate that the instruction in the CA surpasses the traditional translation method.Here are some findings obtained from the study:1) Grammar learning is meaningful in CGT;2) Grammar learning is interesting in CGT;3) Grammar learning has practicability and sociality in CGT. It is hoped that the findings of the experiment can give some hints to other English teachers.
捷克教育家夸美纽斯曾说:“一切知识都是从感官开始的”,并认为这是教学中的“金科玉律”。情景创设要求教师深入了解学生的生活习惯、兴趣爱好和学习特点,建立深厚的师生感情,让学生“亲其师,信其道”。教育心理学家布鲁姆所言:“成功的外语课堂教学应当在课内创设更多的情境,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料。”  一、灵活激趣,培养兴趣  A good beginning is half way to succ
【摘要】新课程理念下的课堂是师生共同生活,共同发展的场所,是以学科知识为载体,在师生,生生之间的相互活动和对话中,在学生经历知识形成的过程中,获得知识,技能,情感,态度,价值观的体验,形成良好的个性品质,这其中更多强调的是学生的学习方式。学生在自主合作的过程中,能主动的提出问题,自主的展开讨论和交流,敢于尝试,学会倾听,以及进行自我反思。  【关键词】自信心倾听交流反思激活拓宽鼓励自觉唤醒潜能封存
【摘要】如何激发潜能生的学习兴趣,笔者认为主要从以下三个方面进行,一、建立良好的师生情感,用爱心滋养潜能生心田,二、为潜能生创造机会,尝试成功的体验,三、教给学生科学的学习方法。  【关键词】素质教育师生情感创造机会学习方法  素质教育是面向全体学生,使学生全面发展的教育。实施素质教育就必须做好潜能生的转化工作.怎样做好潜能生的转化工作,是每个教师必认真对待和认真研究的问题。在此我主要谈谈如何激发
【摘要】“卓越课堂”是重庆市全面落实新课改要求、着力推进“减负提质”的一种优质课堂形态。本文作者结合自身多年的教学实践和初中历史的学科特色,阐述了“卓越课堂”对初中历史教师所带来的全新挑战,然后从创新课堂教学模式的角度,对打造具有江津特色的初中历史“卓越课堂”进行了论述。  【关键词】初中历史卓越课堂教学模式  为贯彻重庆市教委关于“减负提质”的文件精神,创造性地实施“卓越课堂”五年行动计划,深入
一、 听说教学中的问题及分析  笔者从事小学英语教学十余年,听过不少公开课,其中不乏优质高效的课堂,然而也发现了英语教学在学生听说能力培养方面存在很多低效现象。例如,“听力教学只教教材”的现象依旧较多,部分教师缺乏有意识进行听力训练的设计和策略,教学步骤也仅限于“放录音,做题,对答案”的环节;在教学环节的设计上,听前缺乏激活学生背景知识的环节;启发学生思考的方法手段单一且常常流于形式;一些教师对学
作业的设计是中学英语课堂最后的一个环节,作为课堂教学的延伸和补充,作业设计对英语的整体学习有举足轻重的作用;作业设计得是否合理直接影响学生英语的整体学习;如何设计作业也是广大教师目前时常探讨和研究的一个话题,如何科学地设计作业需要我们在教学过程中不断地探索和研究。  一、传统英语作业的弊端  1、作业内容枯燥  传统的英语作业主要是抄写单词,翻译句子,阅读训练和写作练习,大多停留在布置层面,缺乏精