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随着社会主义市场经济的建立,医院扭转了过去那种“大锅饭、不核算”的局面,开始重视经济效益。但是,在这一转变过程中,部分医院也出现了一切“向钱看”的拜金主义倾向。某些医务人员为了创收、个人多提成,而不按因病施治原则为病人施治,成为“看病贵”的因素之一。高昂的医疗费使得病人和单位不堪重负,叫苦不迭。据家庭健康询问调查显示:全国城乡居民两周患病未就诊率为35.7%,需住院未住院率为23.7%,未住院患者中54.2%的人是因无力支付昂贵的医 With the establishment of the socialist market economy, the hospital reversed the past “big pot, not accounting” situation and began to pay attention to economic benefits. However, in the course of this transformation, some hospitals also showed all the money-seeking tendencies toward money. Some medical personnel have become one of the factors of “expensive to see a doctor” in order to create income and individuals, and not to treat patients according to the principles of disease treatment. The high medical expenses made patients and units overwhelmed and complained. According to the survey of family health inquiries, the rate of unsatisfied hospitalization for both urban and rural residents in the country was 35.7%, the rate of non-hospitalization requiring hospitalization was 23.7%, and 54.2% of those without hospitalization were unable to pay for expensive medical services.
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一、医院改革必须坚持四个原则 (一)以社会效益为主,经济效益为辅,摆正事业和金钱关系。医院过去被称为福利机构,现在观念转变了,医院就要为人民健康服务,这也是医院宗旨所
扼要回顾了脑AVM模型的历史和猪的有关血管解剖,对近年来利用猪建立的具有畸形团的AVM动物模型进行了简述。 Briefly reviewed the history of brain AVM model and related vascul
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一、先进诊疗设备的作用 随着医学科技的发展和经济水平的提高,高技术含量的先进诊疗设备、尤其是大型的医用设备,已经成为城市各级医院物质技术基础的重要组成部分。这些高
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[目的 ] 探讨鼠伤寒沙门氏菌porin(STM -porin)诱导BALB/C小鼠迟发性变态反应和T淋巴细胞转移保护的能力。 [方法 ] 迟发型变态反应 (DTH) ,采用足垫肿胀法 ;利用尼龙毛柱