在各种保健方案中,大家把精力都集中在心脏和肌肉上,完全忽视了人体最重要的器官——大脑。 结果如何呢?慢性脑死亡!几乎所有的人一生之中有20%的脑细胞不断死掉,大脑明显萎缩,脑力逐渐缩减。 十分不幸的是,许多中老年人被动地接受这些现象,他们认为这是衰老过程中的自然现象,难道果真如此吗?
In various health programs, everyone focuses on the heart and muscles, completely ignoring the brain, the most important organ of the body. What is the result? Chronic brain death! Almost all human life, 20% of brain cells continue to die, the brain was significantly reduced, mental diminution. It is very unfortunate that many middle-aged and elderly people passively accept these phenomena. Do they think this is a natural phenomenon in the process of aging?