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月薪三千的你,经济独立了吗?漳州的小林向记者透露,毕业那年,他考进了国家电网,分配到一家供电公司工作。两年多过去了,手头上的钱丝毫没有变得宽裕,月收入3000元不能很好地满足日常开支,尽管不愿,却不得不承认,他属于“啃老族”。一日三餐的开销大,买烟的钱不得不掏,花在人情往来上的费用算起来也不少,入不敷出使得小林习惯性地经济透支。尤其是每逢年底,身边的朋友扎堆办喜事,参加喜宴的礼金少不了,这时的他更感经济困窘。25岁了,小林还在为生活的开销发愁,无法经济独立。至 Monthly salary of three thousand you, economic independence? Zhangzhou Kobayashi disclosed to reporters, graduating that year, he was admitted to the national grid, assigned to a power company. More than two years later, the money on hand did not become well-off, and the monthly income of 3,000 yuan did not meet the daily expenses well. Although he did not wish, he had to admit that he belonged to “eating the old people.” The cost of three meals a day, buying cigarettes have had to dig the money spent on human contacts also seem to be a lot less than make make Kobayashi habitual economic overdraft. Especially at the end of the year, the friends around get together to create weddings, wedding banquet attendance ultimately, when he was more financially embarrassed. 25 years old, Kobayashi is still worried about the cost of living, not economic independence. to
The injection characteristics of the main fuel nozzle,which is widely applied in advanced lean-premixed-prevaporized(LPP)low-emission combustors,can be simplifi
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