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由上海社会科学院世界经济研究所和中国世界经济研究所共同主编的《世界经济导报》,是一九八○年六月,由几位老新闻工作者在上海创办的。当《世界经济导报》刚问世时,并没有受到人们的注意。世界——经济——导报,在一般读者心目中,这肯定是一张枯燥乏味的报纸,因此,对它没有什么兴趣,甚至连一些从事经济理论研究和经济工作的人,对它也很少关注。可是,随着时间的推移,《世界经济导报》受到了越来越多的人的欢迎。如今,不仅从事经济研究的理论工作者爱不释手,而且从事实际经济工作的同志也爱看;不仅群众要看,而且领导干部也 The World Economic Herald, co-edited by the Institute of World Economics at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the China Institute of World Economy, was launched in June 1980 by several veteran journalists in Shanghai. When the World Economic Herald just came out, it did not get the attention of people. World-Economic-Herald, which in the minds of the average reader is certainly a boring newspaper, so it has no interest in it and even few of them engaged in economic theoretical research and economic work attention. However, with the passage of time, the World Economic Herald received more and more people’s welcome. Nowadays, not only are the theoretical workers engaged in economic studies putting themselves down, but also the comrades engaged in practical economic work love it. Not only the masses want to see but also the leading cadres
We numerically study the effect of the channel noise on the spiking synchronization of a scale-free Hodgkin–Huxley neuron network with time delays. It is found